The TWFS SubscribeStar includes free content. This tier will provide notifications for new posts to SubscribeStar.
The TWFS SubscribeStar includes free content. This tier will provide notifications for new posts to SubscribeStar.
This tier includes full access to all SubscribeStar content (dating back to 2011)!
Thank you for being a STAR.
This tier includes full Discord access-- including PPV companions, daily workouts, and channels for Gaming, Sports, TWFS Updates and daily discussion.
Thank you for being a SUBSTAR.
This tier includes full Discord access and your username on TWFS episode art (Apple Podcasts,. Podbean, Spotify, etc.) and TWFS videos. Anonymous donors ("Userd02xi4") will still be included!
Thank you for being a GRITSTAR.
This tier was made as a personal challenge by Caniel himself to DLE and other self-professed top supporters. hughglism took the honors in a shocking turn of events.
When even DLE became a Top Supporter, a very gay Caniel demanded an entirely new tier that DLE would never be able to afford. This is an overreach by a gay tyrant named Caniel, and Kevin Scampoli would never expect you to subscribe to this tier.
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More of them can be found on this post.
WWE's Most Underutilized Talents (2016)
Kevin Scampoli and Ryan Van Vleet get weird.