SHA  profile
I am a Dreamer, my goal is to create new and exciting stories that differ from the norm with a new twist and spin where nobody expects them!

Subscription Tiers

per month
Ko-Fi or Coffee?

For those who wish to give me a cup of coffee every month ^

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $2.00 tier
per month
The Chosen Trickster's confidants

Everyone gets a slice of the cake, meaning each week (if possible when I don't have a huge workload from uni or commissions) I will upload the newest chapters early on SubscribeStar and on Discord. - price for Commissions for 3 page comics and above is lowered - Access to all previous rewards

2 subscribers Confidants
per month
Fully colored Cover Page

At the end of the Month I release the Full color Cover Pages of all ongoing Projects as a Pdf and your name will be put on the second to last page!

2 subscribers Supper Supporter
per month
Monthly Commission Tier

You can request me once a Month to draw something for you -- From Sketch to Lineart -- Access to previous Tier Rewards -- Access to the E-Book when a Volume is complete -- You can request me to draw an up to 2 Pages Comic with 5 - 10 Panels

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $15.00 tier
per month
Book Lovers
  • Access to All previous Rewards
  • Access to a "code" for the Physical Books I make when you order it on Amazon
  • You can request me to draw an up to 5 Pages Comic with 10 - 15 Panels
0 subscribers SubscribeStar $25.00 tier


  • Manga Artist, Freelancer and creator of Unusual stories
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Miorine wants to Talk part 2

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