Reasoned Answers profile
Reasoned Answers
Reasoned Answers
Reasoned Answers is Christian apologetics ministry focused on outreach to Muslims and strengthening the Church through YouTube videos, collaborative projects, and free (price and license) resources including a Christian encyclopedia.
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All donors giving any amount will receive early access to future videos ad free with the opportunity to provide feedback on possible last minute changes. You will receive a monthly newsletter detailing the progress being made by Reasoned Answers. And you'll get access to donor only "behind the scenes" posts including occasional special videos.

0 assinantes
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For $5/month, you will get access to my scripts before videos are recorded, and the opportunity to provide feedback in advance. Thus, you will have the opportunity to not just watch, but also shape the content being produced.

0 assinantes
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For $10/month, you will be given access to a quarterly strategic planning meeting/supporter hangout to guide the long-term plans of Reasoned Answers. You will help decide what topics should be covered, what guests should be invited on, and what my projects will be pursued next. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to ask any theological or apologetical questions you may have in a private setting.

2 assinantes
USD mensal

I am looking for a few special people who have been blessed by God and want to pledge $50/month. I realize this is a substantial chunk of cash for most people and certainly is not for everyone. In exchange for your commitment, you will receive my personal contact information and I'll make myself available for private 1-on-1 conversations upon request. Additionally, I will commit to doing one video topic per month entirely of your choosing.

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  • Your support helps spread the Gospel and strengthen the Church.
  • See for my full mission statement.
Reasoned Answers
Publicação pública
I have posted my long term vision and mission statement. Please read it over and prayerfully consider your response.
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