Hal Stead - Quail Studios Guitar profile
Hal Stead - Quail Studios Guitar
Hal Stead - Quail Studios Guitar
Hal Stead teaches music.
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Displaying posts with tag JasonMraz.Reset Filter
Hal Stead - Quail Studios Guitar
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I'm Yours - Jason Mraz - Guitar Lesson
Here's the guitar lesson that I edited from the live stream a few weeks ago.

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Hal Stead - Quail Studios Guitar

Live Stream, I'm Yours - Jason Mraz Guitar Lesson, Friday August 18, 12 PMNine years ago I publis...

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Hal Stead - Quail Studios Guitar
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I'm Yours, Serene Sings, Hal accompanies (sings a little)
Here is the performance of I'm Yours. Almost no rehearsal to produce this recording and this is what we come up with. 
Serene has been vocalizing since she was 2 years old and she has a big voice. She plays violin, a little piano, and got 2nd place in the Classical Voice Competition at the Utah State Fair in 2008. She has soloed in Messiah performances as well as played violin in orchestras.
She and I have been singing together for the past 30 years. She's my daughter.
Check it out!
Hal Stead
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