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Lynn White, Focus Sessions
Lynn White, Focus Sessions
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for connecting people and helping others. I write about a variety of topics including conspiracies, medical, political, spiritual and religious world issues. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a Public Blog post or Personal Life/Wellness/Spiritual/Religious Coaching Session by visiting my blog or reaching out to me here. Blessings, Lynn
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Lynn White, Focus Sessions

Happy Friday Folks! This meme cracked me up. I hope you enjoy! I suspect Kamala won't be on the f...

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Lynn White, Focus Sessions
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Where Is The Real Biden? It's Like We Are All Guests to a Whodunit Mystery...
Many suspect something is not passing the sniff test within the White House (pun intended!).  It's like we are all inside a Whodunit Mystery or a political version of Clue.Let's look at the clues together and see what we can come up with.  
  • Joe got the "beer bug" and went into quarantine.  What a great excuse to get him isolated and hidden.  Perhaps the handlers needed a break.  ?
  • After repeatedly saying he is not dropping out he actually dropped out via a tweet.  This is the same man who walks in circles, hand shakes invisible people and doesn't even know what his own ramblings mean.  He somehow came to this decision and authorized the tweet?  I think not.
  • The White House allegedly found out of his stepping down shortly after the tweet.  
  • Upon further investigation of this "tweet" many have proven this isn't even Biden's signature, so whose is it?  Jill, staffer, chef, pool man, someone else?
  • The White House clears his schedule and he has had no public appearances.  Seems like people are scrambling and hiding something, huh?
  • Joe endorses Kamala via a phone call which was shown to be AI generated.  Kamala even slipped and almost said it in a speech (watch the clip attached to this post).  
  • It is rumored Joe now has some kind of "terminal illness."  What is even going on?  Terminal as in made dirty deals with the wrong people and now has such mental decline that they cannot trust what intel may slip out of his mouth?  I imagine that would most likely be a terminal issue.
  • The press conference the people were waiting on was NOT live.  AI generated- I think so!

So what do you all think?  
Ephesians 6:11-12  "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Blessings, Lynn 
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Lynn White, Focus Sessions
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Inquiring Minds Want to Know...

I hope you all have a great day!  Blessings, Lynn 
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Lynn White, Focus Sessions
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Big Boy Biden Bows Out - Or Did He?
Things are getting even more weird. I'm sure by now you've heard the news.  "Big Boy" Joe (as the staff members nicknamed Biden), has resigned- or has he?
Even with all the heat the "Big Boy" was getting, as of four days ago he was adamant that he was not quitting.  He was losing points at the polls and the dems were in a panic after his most recent public engagements.  There isn't enough handling or meds out there to keep up the appearance of a strong, quick witted person on his A game.  Rumor is they begged the "Big Boy" to quit, and even wrote out his resignation letter and speech, but "Big Boy" Joe declined to submit to their request. 

Then, magically the "Big Boy" retreated as he recovers from the "beer bug" and a resignation appeared yesterday via X.  The boy hasn't been seen and many people debate that the signature isn't even the "Big Boy's."  He can barely work the steps to get off a stage so how are the American people really supposed to think he made this decision, wrote a letter, signed a signature that isn't his normal signature and posted it on a social media platform rather than have a public announcement?  I think not...

The bigger question is, Where is Joe?  Is he even still with us or did something happen?  Will Joe meet his fate and the "beer bug" will be the [fake false flag] blame to gain sympathy from the American people and distract from the assassination attempt [my guess]? The dems are furious and scared - when you back them into a corner you never know what they will do.  "Loose lips sink ships" and the dems want to stay afloat.

Just like Trump foiled the plan with Hillary in 2016, God protected Trump on that podium.  Evil cannot exist in the presence of light, and they are scared of what they are up against.

John 3:20 "For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved."

Now is the time to get right with God.  Even though much of what we see is the illusion of the political show, I do think there are signs of the times happening in front of us. This may just be the shift we have all needed and wanted for so long.  Don't rely solely on others.  Always look inward and now more than ever stay strong in faith.


The clip is worth watching for a chuckle.  They refer to the President of the United States in the way I'd talk to my dog.  This just further supports the mental decline.
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Lynn White, Focus Sessions
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The Political Reality Show Heats Up - Will There Be a Rematch?

Now that Biden has officially exited the race who will the Dems put in his place? Here are some contenders: 
1. Kamala Harris:  Even though the VP would be a common choice, it isn't likely.  She does check a lot of boxes (woman, etc), but she doesn't seem to favorable.  Between giggling like a little girl and saying a lot without saying anything at all, most public appearances leave heads shaking. For that reason, I don't think she is the likely choice. 
2.  Gavin Newsom:  He is doing whatever he can to shine in the democratic scene.  The way he performed in the fear-based beer bug situation was a stellar performance.  He continues to not disappoint in the alt left views.  He is definitely a potential choice amongst dems. 
3. Big Mike Obama:  Many already suspect the Obama is still running things behind the scenes.  With the obvious mental decline of Joe, it is even more probable this is occurring.  Why not make it [more] legit and let an Obama get back in there?  sHe checks off even more boxes than Kamala so I'm sure this is being considered. 
4.  Hillary Clinton: This is my pick.  I sense she was "promised" a win in 2016 that did not come to fruition, and now she will be back for round two against Trump.  She was bitter and actually was the first denier of the results of 2016 with blaming collusion and all the other BS time and money wasters well before Trump had his legit claims in 2020.  This family line is ruthless (what is the body count up to?)  and she has been waiting and wanting the illusion of power and control for a while now.  
Our political reality show is getting intense.  All eyes are on the media to see what is next.  Just don't get too sucked into this and see it for what it is.  The puppet masters already know how they hope to play this out.  It is the wild card moves that keep it interesting.  I'm sure they didn't think Trump would still be here to battle it out (thank you Lord for protecting him) so they are scrambling for their next play.  
Pray for this country, and pray we tip the table to be in alignment with the Lord.
Who is your pick?  What do you think? Please let a comment below if you have a guess.
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Lynn White, Focus Sessions
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Happy Friday! Fellow Hulkamaniacs Will Appreciate This!

Hi everyone!  I just watched Hulk Hogan's (Terry Bollea) speech at the Republican National Convention.  If anymore can fire up Trumpamania he can!  At 70 years old he is still a great entertainer.  I felt like I was 13 all over again, LOL!  Enjoy!

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