Pactum Institute profile
Pactum Institute
Pactum Institute
The Institute seeks to fight the systematic bias against historic and Biblical Christianity in academia, by promoting the Christian worldview as the only true alternative to the ruin and decadence caused by apostasy from historic Christianity.


  • The researchers from the Institute publishes at least two peer-reviewed academic articles per annum. The Institute also has its own podcast. Additionally, our researchers also regularly contribute to relevant discussions on theology and the humanities by means of blog posts.
Pactum Institute
Public post
FSI Episode VIII, October Focus: The Reformation and Nationalism - Pactum Institute

In the latest episode of FSI, dr Schlebusch introduces Pactum's focus for this Reformation month.

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Pactum Institute

from 29 Apr, 2022

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Pactum Institute

"If we can build healthy families and raise our children as soldiers for the Kingdom of Jesus Chr...

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Pactum Institute

"While we are encouraged by the increased relaxation of these ungodly and unscientific measures a...

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Pactum Institute
Public post
"Disobedience to God’s Law amounts to disregarding Christ’s Lordship—something the saints of the Old Testament understood very clearly. After all,  when the prophet Daniel refused to engage in idolatry, he expressly rooted his refusal in the divine Lordship of Jesus Christ." - Dr. Adi Schlebusch
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Pactum Institute
Public post
"Because Christ’s Lordship is universal, no aspect of human existence can remain neutral with regard to his rule. It is for this reason that Jesus noted in Mark 9:40 that 'he who is not against us, is for us.' It is for this reason that Scripture teaches us in I Corinthians 10:31 that 'whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.' 

Every single thing that we think or do is either in opposition to or in service of Christ’s Kingdom." - Dr. Adi Schlebusch
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