Michael Kingswood profile
Michael Kingswood
Michael Kingswood
I write fiction for fun and profit.


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Планы подписки

в месяц
Basic Support

Supporters at this tier will receive a 10% discount at my company's store.

0 подписчиков
в месяц
Monthly Short Story

Supporters at this tier will receive a new short story each month in ebook format, and a 10% discount at my company's store.

0 подписчиков
в месяц
Weekly Short Story

Supporter at this tier will receive a short story each week in their choice of ebook format, and a 15% discount at my company's store.

0 подписчиков
в месяц
Everything In Ebook

Supporters at this tier will get everything I publish in their choice of ebook format. And they will receive a 20% discount at my company's store for titles that were published before they became supporters.

0 подписчиков


  • Supporters will receive exclusive access to new works of fiction and discounts for purchases through my company's store.
Michael Kingswood
Публичный пост
Hi friends!

As we go into the New Year I'm getting rolling here on Subscribestar.  Lord knows I've been writing long enough, I probably should have done this sort of thing sooner.  But it is what it is.

Anyway, if you're here reading this it's probably because you've encountered my work and like it, and wish to support my writing business.  So right of the bat, let me say thanks a lot!  

And I'm not just thanking you for the money, though that is nice.  

Over the years I've found that having deadlines that matter, where I have to deliver a real thing to a real person or else, really helps me focus and keep producing.  That's what made me successful during two year-long challenges to produce a story every week - accountability and skin in the game with my writing mentor.  I'm positive that expanding that circle of accountability to you, the supporters, will have the same effect.

So come along with me on this journey.  I get some money and motivation to not slack off and keep producing to deadlines.  You get a lot of fun reading engaging stories, and the satisfaction of helping an independent writer flourish professionally.

Win-win, right?

Thanks in advance!

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