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Bible Animations
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-You will get exclusive bi-weekly update videos for the verses project! -Early Access to some videos. -I'll add your name to the "Thank You" section at the end credits of each video (optional). -Plus you'll have access to worksheets and coloring pages for the kids! -A heartfelt thank you in my prayers.

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-All the benefits of the 5 Dollars A Month tier. -You'll also get exclusive videos such as art/animation tutorials and animations that never make it to youtube. -Commentary videos with special guests. -And of course, a heartfelt thanks in my prayers.

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-All the benefits of the tiers below. -A heartfelt thanks in my prayers.

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-All the benefits of the tiers below. -A heartfelt thanks in my prayers.

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50 Dollars A Month

-YOU WILL GET A PUPPET DESIGNED AFTER YOU (OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE) THAT WILL BE USED IN THE SERIES! -For the few that are called to support this ministry beyond ordinary measure, you have my deepfelt gratitude. For HIS glory! -You will also receive all the benefits of every tier under this one.

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60 Dollars A Month

-For the few that are called to support this ministry beyond ordinary measure, you have my deepfelt gratitude. For HIS glory! -You will receive all the benefits of every tier under this one.

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70 Dollars A Month

-For the few that are called to support this ministry beyond ordinary measure, you have my deepfelt gratitude. For HIS glory! -You will receive all the benefits of every tier under this one.

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-For the few that are called to support this ministry beyond ordinary measure, you have my deepfelt gratitude. For HIS glory! -You will receive all the benefits of every tier under this one.

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90 Dollars A Month

-For the few that are called to support this ministry beyond ordinary measure, you have my deepfelt gratitude. For HIS glory! -You will receive all the benefits of every tier under this one.

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100 Dollars A Month

-For the few that are called to support this ministry beyond ordinary measure, you have my deepfelt gratitude. For HIS glory! -You will receive all the benefits of every tier under this one.

3 subscribers


  • By subscribing and supporting this ministry members will not only reap the rewards of spreading the gospel, but will also gain access to exclusive content, downloadable worksheets and coloring pages for the kids!


Hello Brethren! I just got home from Gene Kim's Bible Blowout in Berkley CA. It was such a blessi...

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If you got a view of yesterday's video, guess what? You saw something no one else will see! Well,...

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And here it is! A sneak Peak at the new video! PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THIS! ! ! You are seeing this ...

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Thank you so much guys! This will be posted at the end of my next video! If you want to be added ...

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Very short update for you guys. Both of my computers are hard at work rendering. Full update with...

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to jump in and let you know how everything is coming! Rendering was off...

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