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New Video: Tonight, we are discussing The Great Reset & The 4th Industrial Revolution. 
Specifically, we are analyzing a video of Yuval Harari - A World Economic Forum Member & advisor to Klaus Schwab. 
Hacking Humans & Removing Free Will. https://youtu.be/YK1ofRcvEKw
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Just finished a new video - Check it out if you have some time and are interested in the topic!! https://youtu.be/qV9YSNE5wQs

This video is taking a look at how Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, The Great Reset & The 4th Industrial Revolution began. In 1972 MIT released a report indicating that society would collapse by 2030 and it appears that everything we are dealing with today is a consequence of that report.

I believe it is the first reference to their timeline, the first call to world governments to enforce strict control over the economy and populations. They called for this to control resources and started us on the path towards tyranny.

We will cover a lot in this video and this includes what each agenda entails. We will also cover what the 4th industrial revolution is and how it is incorporated into the plans for the future global system.

We will also discuss the psychological aspect to the plan. How the masses are following the same mob mentality that has contributed to major historical hysterias and we will also touch on the severe consequences of emotional manipulation by the media.

They are attempting to crush the human spirit, limit free will, and lock down humanity forever.
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Hey! Just uploaded a new video - check it out if you are interested and have some time! https://youtu.be/9X6FaEegi20

Tonight, we are going to talk & speculate a bit about how the rising crime rates tie into the great reset, how allowing crime to get out of hand plays right into their agenda, and how the defund the police narrative and all of the “activists” are playing right into the hands of the elite. Are they being used as pawns in a larger game?

By pushing these narratives and creating an epidemic of violent crime, people will clamor for their solution, they will wait for the opportune time, and then announce an initiative to replace police with AI driven policing, pre crime technology & other fascistic policy?
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New video: Operation Lockstep - A Rockefeller Foundation Document From 2010 & It Is Eerily Similar To What We Have Just Experienced. Check It Out If You Have Some Time!! https://youtu.be/HLemQHmHn3M

The first incarnation of this plan actually began in the early ’90s at the earth summit – when Agenda 21 was unveiled.

From there, they moved on to Agenda 2030 – which is talked about a lot these days – even mentioned by prominent leaders such as Tradaue or within the documents for the green new deal.

2030 is merely one of the target years.

However, the end result of their plan doesn’t occur until the year 2049 – when nearly all of the steps have been completed, and the transition is finished. Hence the entire
plan – Agenda 2050.

By 2050 we are truly within a technocratic dystopia & with goals that are far off – small changes occur year to year, and by the time people realize what's happening – it's too late.

Operation Lockstep, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050 & The Great Reset are one and the same.

We don’t want this future…

We have a choice, mindless subservience, or standing for truth and on principle.
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New Video: Check it out if you have some time & are interested! https://youtu.be/nbKP37KLzUI

We will discuss many different current events, including inflation, the vulnerability of our power grid, and the series of cyber-attacks that, as of late, have affected the country. The number of attacks has increased since the colonial pipeline hack, but it appears this is just the beginning. We are getting story after story about how these attacks will not stop; in fact, the government proposes that they will become more frequent and more severe as time goes on.

We will discuss how this applies to Cyber Polygon 2021 – a cyber-attack simulation conducted by the World Economic Forum. Ironically, while many claim this is all a made-up theory, Klaus Schwab has often stated that we will experience a Cyber Pandemic. Well, it looks like he was right. Although, it is easy to predict the future if you have a hand in pulling the strings.
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Tonight, we are going to look at one of the control mechanisms of The Great Reset.

If you control the food supply – you control the people. https://youtu.be/xar1u5il0tE

You have probably heard that Bill Gates may no longer be the world’s richest man, but he can claim a new title: America’s farmland king.

The billionaire Microsoft co-founder has become the largest owner of farmland in the United States by quietly buying up massive plots across the country.

With stories coming out indicating that he would like to switch the entire population to synthetic meat, it makes you wonder, how can they control what the population eats? Well, by controlling the entire industry.

We will examine some of the tactics that Monsanto uses in other regions of the world and a new program that is in effect here in the United States.

They are paying farmers more than their crops are worth to either destroy the crops or keep the land fallow.

Once these family farms are out of business…who do you think will swoop in to take control?

In my opinion this is all apart of a larger plan.

And it’s called The Great Reset or Agenda 2030 – same plan – different name.
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