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Displaying posts with tag Deepstate.Reset Filter
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Tonight, we are going to continue with our dive into the great reset. Check it out if you have some time & are interested! https://youtu.be/x4bqepHSw8M

This video discusses the technological advancements that are allowing the authoritarian push for a new normal. We will discuss the global surveillance apparatus, amazon’s development of a Skynet type infrastructure, Palantir & their pre crime technology. This digital prison appears to be complete and their next step is the implementation.

The power centers around the globe are tightening their grip, a new digital iron curtain is coming down, and they have essentially co-opted the entire system for their own purposes. I mean, that makes sense, they have built the infrastructure of an all-encompassing, soul crushing, digital totalitarian state, and now it is in the hands of power-hungry megalomaniacal sociopaths.

As of right now, I still believe, we have a choice…

We can use these advancements for the betterment of humans, or we allow these innovations to be used by the elite; for control, greed, and to further their grasp on power.

Part two: Move ahead to the 11 minute mark (Amazons Skynet Infrastructure, Palantir - their global surveillance & pre crime technology.
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New video: Check it out if you have some time and are interested! https://youtu.be/VZy8CVCXNb4

In this video we will cover current events relating to the FBI & some historical context that maps out their history of malfeasance. These topics include Biden’s Domestic Terror list, the 6th, the Gretchen Whitmer case, the internment camps for Japanese Americans during ww2, Cointelpro, the surveillance state, the internal battle with the NSA, and the dossier…among others.

Tonight’s video is one that is important, and we will explore some revelations (albeit known to most of us & alt media for some time) regarding the FBI and their insane, unconstitutional, and depraved practices to subvert justice to fit their agenda.

Now, I left out many other examples due to time constraints (the video would have been 72 minutes long if I went through each example found) but as stated we are going to look at some historical context, context that indicates their tactics have not changed over the years. These intel agencies are corrupt and they themselves have been subverted.

In light of this consistent history of criminality and misconduct, it is time for Americans to consider that having criminals fight crime is a futile effort which belies a foundation of corruption across the entire system.
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New video: Operation Lockstep - A Rockefeller Foundation Document From 2010 & It Is Eerily Similar To What We Have Just Experienced. Check It Out If You Have Some Time!! https://youtu.be/HLemQHmHn3M

The first incarnation of this plan actually began in the early ’90s at the earth summit – when Agenda 21 was unveiled.

From there, they moved on to Agenda 2030 – which is talked about a lot these days – even mentioned by prominent leaders such as Tradaue or within the documents for the green new deal.

2030 is merely one of the target years.

However, the end result of their plan doesn’t occur until the year 2049 – when nearly all of the steps have been completed, and the transition is finished. Hence the entire
plan – Agenda 2050.

By 2050 we are truly within a technocratic dystopia & with goals that are far off – small changes occur year to year, and by the time people realize what's happening – it's too late.

Operation Lockstep, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050 & The Great Reset are one and the same.

We don’t want this future…

We have a choice, mindless subservience, or standing for truth and on principle.
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New Video: Check it out if you have some time & are interested! https://youtu.be/nbKP37KLzUI

We will discuss many different current events, including inflation, the vulnerability of our power grid, and the series of cyber-attacks that, as of late, have affected the country. The number of attacks has increased since the colonial pipeline hack, but it appears this is just the beginning. We are getting story after story about how these attacks will not stop; in fact, the government proposes that they will become more frequent and more severe as time goes on.

We will discuss how this applies to Cyber Polygon 2021 – a cyber-attack simulation conducted by the World Economic Forum. Ironically, while many claim this is all a made-up theory, Klaus Schwab has often stated that we will experience a Cyber Pandemic. Well, it looks like he was right. Although, it is easy to predict the future if you have a hand in pulling the strings.
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Tonight, we will be going over The Origins Of Love Traps, The Mafia, The Intel Agencies, and how these operations ultimately gave rise to the likes of Jeffrey Epstein. https://youtu.be/k8ZYRb35t64

Check it out if you have some time & are interested!!

Evidence suggests that Jeffrey Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive, and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime, making it a racket truly too big to fail.

We will cover the operations that the OSS (precursor org of the CIA) initiated and how they used “blackmail parties” to subvert their targets.

Their targets are varied and are not tied to one sphere of influence. They include criminals, politicians, aspiring politicians, foreign diplomats, and government officials such as J Edgar Hoover.

These “parties” were orchestrated on behalf of the intel agencies by individuals such as Lew Rosenstiel, Sam Bronfman, renowned mobster Meyer Lanskey, and Roy Cohn.

So, Cohn’s operation was known to have successors, as revealed by a series of scandals in the early 1990s that have since been swept under the rug. The significant amount of overlap between Epstein’s and Cohn’s covert activities in sexual blackmail and their ties too many of the same powerful individuals and circles of influence strongly suggest that Epstein was one of Cohn’s successors.
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New video: Tonight, the video is regarding Edward Bernays – The Father Of Propaganda. https://youtu.be/4-Lf_jRgdOE

Check it out if you have some time!

The first part of the video uses examples of propaganda and lies from modern politics. Journalists are working overtime for the deep state and the political establishment to manipulate the public into believing bullsh*t talking points. Through their work, tens of millions of people believe absolute fallacies regarding the Trump administration and hiding what the political establishment’s true intentions are. Through their subversion of truth, people are walking directly into mass government control and misery.

Bernays was one of the first to attempt to manipulate public opinion using the subconscious. This was done by cleverly combining the ideas of two psychologists specializing in crowd psychology, along with the psychoanalytical ideas of his uncle, Dr. Sigmund Freud.

At its core, it represents little more than a particularly brazen set of techniques to manipulate people to get them to do your bidding.

Bernays’ book (propaganda - 1928) has a dark element to it. Propaganda uses psychology to form a weapon that can force people to act against their morals or best interests.

Mind control comes to us courtesy of Bernays and Freud. To put his statement in simple terms, Bernays has pioneered a tool for the invisible government to control democracies.
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