Gary LM Martin profile
Gary LM Martin
Gary LM Martin
Very detailed reviews of hundreds of Star Trek and other scifi episodes

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Join me on Subscribestar and support all my work: my book writing, my political channels, my TV reviews and more. Members get (1) access to the archive of 400+ extremely detailed and insightful reviews of Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar G, Bionic Man, Movie Reviews, and more (2) access to my more sensual Bitchute videos, (3) access to new videos (mostly ST and TNG but some added surprises as well like Lifeforce & Star Wars) that I have already started creating, and (4) the ability to message me directly and suggest new reviews.

Also, upon request, I will give you a free ebook of your choice from every month, for hours of reading pleasure.

per month
Strong Supporter

Join me on Subscribestar and support all my work: my book writing, my political channels, my TV reviews and more. Members get (1) access to the archive of 400+ extremely detailed and insightful reviews of Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar G, Bionic Man, Movie Reviews, and more (2) access to my more sensual Bitchute videos, (3) access to new videos (mostly ST and TNG but some added surprises as well like Lifeforce & Star Wars) that I have already started creating, and (4) the ability to message me directly and suggest new reviews.

Also, upon request, I will give you two free ebooks of your choice from  every month, for hours of reading pleasure.



  • Join me on Subscribestar and support all my work: my book writing, my political channels, my TV reviews and more. Members get (1) free copies of my books, (2) access to the archive of 400_+ reviews (3) access to my more sensual Bitchute videos, (4) access to new videos (mostly ST and TNG but some added surprises as well like Lifeforce & Star Wars) that I have already started creating.
Gary LM Martin
Join me on Subscribestar and support all my work: my book writing, my political channels, my TV reviews and more. Members get 

(1) access to the archive of 360+ extremely detailed and insightful reviews of Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar G, Bionic Man, Movie Reviews, and more

(2) access to my more sensual Bitchute videos, 

(3) access to new videos (mostly ST and TNG but some added surprises as well like Lifeforce & Star Wars) that I have been creating.

(4) a free book (or two) every month of your choice, depending on your level of participation.

(5) the ability to message me directly and suggest new reviews.

Gary LM Martin
Public post
Join me on Subscribestar and support all my work: my book writing, my political channels, my TV reviews and more. Members get 

(1) access to the archive of 360+ extremely detailed and insightful reviews of Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar G, Bionic Man, Movie Reviews, and more

(2) access to my more sensual Bitchute videos, 

(3) access to new videos (mostly ST and TNG but some added surprises as well like Lifeforce & Star Wars) that I have been creating.

(4) a free book (or two) every month of your choice, depending on your level of participation.

(5) the ability to message me directly and suggest new reviews.
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Gary LM Martin

By now many of you realize my youtube page has been shut down. I will be continuing my work on

Posted for $11.11, $22.22 tiers
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Gary LM Martin

While I continue to make videos, from now on to save time I am not going to post here every time ...

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
Posted for $11.11, $22.22 tiers
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