Map of Ideologies

As I drew the different areas in Land of Meaning, it became clear to me that each one could be associated with a particular ideology. At first I thought of labeling each area with an ideology that would lead to that situation when taken to an extreme. In particular, the Tower of Arrogance was going to be labeled as Fascism and the Resentment Whirlpool as Communism. 
But I soon found defects in that criteria. Firstly, what is going on in both those places is pretty bad. Neither a fascist or a communist will tell you that they are trying to build something like that. So this criteria would be something like “where this ideology unknowingly takes you when taken to an extreme.” But then the second problem appeared: there are some places on the map where good things happen, the ideologies in those areas would clearly be better than the others, especially paradise… which ideology could possibly bring you to paradise when taken to an extreme?
After thinking for a while, I realized that I shouldn’t be trying to ascertain what each ideology ends up doing, but rather focus on the story that each ideology is telling. Ideologues pick a particular narrative and trend to think that it is the most important story in the world. So the Tower of Arrogance ended up labeled as Anarchism, as it tells the story of how all hierarchies are oppressive. The Resentment Whirlpool was labeled as Fascism, as it tells the story of society being constantly threatened by subversive forces.