Cooplegionstudio profile
Making 'Stray Alloys' a PC Co-op campaign 3rd Person Shooter Game
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All perks from the junior co-op partner + Gains EVEN MORE AND BETTER rewards also get medium share of profit after game is released. *Refer to our reward post to see what you can earn by supporting us.

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Senior Co-op Partner

All the perks from the intermediate co-op partner. Includes 2 digital copies of games, soundtrack, two physical artbook, figure statues, have the option to in the game as a villain or an npc (non-playable character), along with also get large share of profit after game is released *Refer to our reward post to see what you can earn by subscribing to us.

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  • Gain early access to our development for our game. Videos, images and concept of what we do. End of game product, get artbook, digital copy of the game and merchandise such as figure statues.

Who are Co-op Legion Studio and What is Stray Alloys?

We are an indie game studio and our goal is to create a co-operative narrative driven story told through video games. Co-op Legion Studio is currently made up of 5 people and hopefully we can grow bigger to make our games a better product.

Stray Alloys is a third person co-op campaign shooter set in the far distant future where we have journeyed far into outer space and found a resource rich planet where multiple nations have their own giant space station or space cities for people to live; while the majority of its population mine and extract resources from the giant planet. Our story takes place, where the player plays as 'Raymond' who is a boy who lives in one of these space cities. You will play through his adventures either solo or with a friend.

What sets up apart from other Video game studios?

Co-op Legion Studio was founded as a result that we are unhappy with the lack of games that let players to play through a story with their friends or strangers. That said, the games we make can be played solo as we understand, it maybe hard to find a friend to play with or some people prefer to play solo.

We are also unhappy with the current state of the gaming industry as companies are focusing on mobile games, micro transaction focused business models and the lack of allowing mods to their games. Co-op Legion Studio wants to focus on the community and we want to avoid making games that treats the community like addicts by tricking or forcing them pay for online items, which later adds up to a big amount. We heard too many stories where people overspend on a game and we want to avoid that and try to make a more ethical business model even though it is the harder route.

The Future of Co-op legion Studio

For the future after we finish our first game, Stray Alloys; our goal is to continuously to create video games that are co-operative story based games. Hopefully in the future after our first game is done, the next game genre will decided by the community. But let's focus on the current project first and make it a great one! Together let's make great co-op campaign games and Thanks for your time!

Link to our pre alpha game:


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May 2019 Update 01 - Demo preview screenshots

So this is a public post for non patrons. For those undecided still. The demo is playable for patrons on our may 2019 post.

Keep in mind this a pre pre alpha build test so there will be bugs and issues, not the final game or close to it as we got a very long way to go. But this is just to let people try out our progress so far. We only had 2-3 weeks to put the map together and everything else, we have very limited budget and resources so keep that in mind while playing our demo. We would like to get more funding so we can hire better people for certain things such as sound fx, music and level designer or more people for the assets such as 3d models, programming, animation and other stuff. So if you want to help us let me know, IF you're looking for a paying job, well we'll short on funds right now but the moment we get money or funds, everyone will get paid.

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May 2019 Patron List + pre alpha demo release

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March 2019 Update 02 - Inventory UI management

Here's a recording for our inventory management for our game similar to resident evil.

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The original idea for the large health pick up based around a 4 pack drink. I was thinking of doi...

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February 2019 01 Update - Ammo Pickup

Hey Everyone, Been busy the past few weeks, At least I can show you guys something now. So our programmer figuring out to make a chest box style inventory system similar to Resident evil 2 (2019) or Resident evil 4. So I already designed and made a 3D model for the health 'potion (health item), The Energy vial/ potion. We needed an ammo pick up so the idea since our setting was in the future so I decided to make a battery for the weapons.

There's the first design, the inspiration was looking at what I read and heard was diamond batteries and I do love phone or laptop batteries.

There's an early 3D build model for the storage for the ammo pickup but was not happy with the look.

While working on the battery and the storage container for it, I realized I needed to make the battery to look like a weapon magazine. Hence I needed to make it more streamlined.

I am relatively happy with the design on the ammo pickup where it looks like a battery and a weapon magazine. As per usual, the design may change in the future but I do like the crystal/diamond visible in the battery and I like the labels similar to laptop or phone batteries. Honestly speaking, finding references and ideas for a sci-fi magazine is hard as most are bullets or the power source or battery not usually visible.

The new design for the ammo pickup storage container. Still needs some work but for a starter, I think it will look and do it's job for now. I have done some more item designs as well some UI design but I am going to space that out over the coming weeks.

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January 2019 Update Progress 03 3rd week in and last week and a little bit of this week's progress where I sculpted one of our local patrons who put in 5K, which helped us during our development.

This is what one of our local patron looks like. Still need a bit of sculpting left and clean up but I am happy with the result, I kinda like a bit of a stylized look similar to overwatch. I just love the style for overwatch character. Just so professional looking.

First one was the base mesh and unfortunately, not a good one but I learnt something new in zbrush to help define the ears, eyes, nose and mouth. So made those changes with the base mesh and sculpted. I am not that great as I need a good warm up to get into the rhythm of sculpting. My first attempt was four hours and not that great. I might show it so people understand that got to do several tries before getting it right.

After 4-8 hour sculpting, first 4 hours down the drain as that's my warm up sculpt as I don't get things real the first time round. Zbrush has helped a lot in this progress though. Using dynamesh, zremesher and topology brush just makes my life a lot of easier and stress free. Still not 100% usable in game but we can use Maya and use quaddraw to reduce the poly count.

Quad draw the eyebrows and made the glasses as our patron wears glasses. He may not look like this in the final game as we might add different hairstyle, facial hair, scars or other accessories like futuristic glasses. But most importantly, I want to make sure the the character looks like our patron before we add other features. At the very least, we have a good base to fall back on, if we go overboard on adding too many features.

One last note for this week, I think I should say that if some patrons want their OC (Original Character) instead of themselves in our game, I think that seems reasonable request. Only thing is that the character got to be in a sci-fi setting unless we can fit in a fantasy character as a cosplayer or something that could fit into our game world. There will probably be a limit on how many people/patrons can get themselves or their OC in our game as will take time to put them in our game. Always open to suggestions.

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42 posts


to reach
the Goal
This helps us keep the place running, pays the bills such as internet, electricity and rent.
to reach
the Goal
After paying the bills, reaching this goal, 2,300 will like everyone on the team to earn $250. Everyone will be happy enough to work on the game project.
to reach
the Goal
Additionaly to paying the bills for the studio, this will raise everyone's pay to $500. Core team will appreciate this so much.
to reach
the Goal
With an extra 4k, we can hire more people/freelancers to produce our work better and faster. Ideal goal for best outcome. Anything after this, will just be used to hire more people.

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