Chris's urgent health message profile
Chris's urgent health message
Chris's urgent health message
Alternative medicine and health blogs and vlogs. The Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") diet. Prevent and reverse disease.
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Healthy body - healthy mind

Use my Subscribe star user only poll to select the next research report subject I will work on. The url and code for access is revealed behind the paywall once you subscribe.

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Health maven

Access to poll to chose the next research project. Also, access to subscribestar only forum. urls and codes for access are behind the paywall.

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Cabbage leaf expert
  • Access to the subscribestar user only poll to select the next report subject I will work on.
  • Access to the subscribestar user only forum
  • Access to my (loose) translation of the 1875 French book by Dr. Blanc which I have retitled "How to use the miraculous healing effects of cabbage leaf". Dr. Blanc put everything and I mean EVERYTHING into remission with cabbage leaf cataplasms - including gangrene and rabies!

urls and codes are given behind the cabbage leaf expert firewall

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Medical Historian

All of the above plus pre-publication of my book: "The unofficial history of western medicine"

urls and access codes are given behind the subscriber paywall

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All of the above plus you can see my research notes and comments for the subject I'm working on at the moment and reports on progress.

urls and codes are available behind the subscriber paywall

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Private Clinic

I will research your condition and write a protocol for it. This will be on a "may help" basis. I. will start by reading what Dr. Seignalet said on the subject in his not yet translated book, the title of which I translate as "Nutrition - the third medicine". I will then read all the studies on it on the library of congress medical datatabase and any books on the subject. Your report will be given priority over everything else.

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  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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