Book Furnace profile
Book Furnace
Book Furnace
Videos on writing craft and Science Fiction. Book and movie reviews and discussions, original short stories.

Subscription Tiers

per month

Isaac Asimov approves.

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per month
Foundation and Empire

Isaac Asimov approves very much.

0 subscribers
per month
Second Foundation

Isaac Asimov approves wholeheartedly.

0 subscribers
per month
I, Robot

Isaac Asimov's heart is overwhelmed with approval.

0 subscribers
per month
The End of Eternity

Reality itself begins to bend around you as you attract immense amounts of gratitude.

0 subscribers
per month
The Gods Themselves

You create all that is, all that was and all that will be. You see into the future and into the past as through clear glass. Things taking shape, coming into being or waning out of existence are a mere extension of your benevolent will, its reflection in the mirror of reality.

0 subscribers


  • First, thank you for considering backing my work!
  • Participation in community - based short story contests.
  • Backer-only discord chat.

Star Stats

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to reach
This amount would allow me to consistently create and publish unique content, re-investing a large portion to improve video quality (camera, microphone, lighting, hiring professional narrators or taking voice acting lessons to improve my short story videos). It will also allow me to host community-ran short story competitions and other awesome things like that.

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