Since my last update, I implemented:
- OpenAI came out with new models on 13th of June and HexaPA now uses the latest GPT-3.5 model, and it's new 16K variant. You can switch to longer context by defining higher then 2048 token limit, up to 8192. (HexaPA only does even split between input and output tokens for now...)
- Reference injection - injects a reference to the rules into the prompt (only the prompt but not into the context) that makes the AI a bit more likely to follow the rules. It can be defined on the rules sceen.
- The rules can now be exported to JSON, but not used as preset yet. (This feature is not finished, I just wanted to release an update with the new models, and longer context lenght ASAP.)
- I also set up a github project page for HexaPA development plans, you can now see real time what features I'm working on, what is planned, and what is done arlready:
As always you can download and test HexaPA from here: