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World Alternative Media
World Alternative Media
World Alternative Media is one of the fastest growing independent medias in the world. We've been working hard daily for 6 years producing hard hitting content, interviews, confrontations and documentaries that you will not find on television.
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All of the above functions and more! We talk over the message function about what can be worked out! We couldn't thank you enough!

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  • Direct contact with Josh Sigurdson and occasional "not fit for YouTube" subscriber only content.
World Alternative Media

SUBSCRIBESTAR EXCLUSIVE: California Declares Children Do NOT Have Free Speech! - Censorship Racke...

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World Alternative Media

WATCH this earth shattering breakdown of the Great Reset HERE and on Rokfin as a premium subscrib...

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World Alternative Media

Here's a video exclusive to SubscribeStar, Patreon and Rokfin paid subscribers! Send in your ques...

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World Alternative Media

Hi everyone! As promised, here is the 45 minute documentary made for Anarchovid 2021 breaking dow...

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World Alternative Media
Public post
Hey everyone! I really appreciate you all. We are so broke right now and you're all that's keep us up and running. 
Weirdly a bunch of people unsubscribed on here claiming they tried to message us and we weren't responding. The weird part is that according to our inbox, we have no missed messages. Very confusing. 

Hope everyone is well. Lots of content coming out right now, we are absolutely consumed trying to get as many interviews and as much fact based info out there as possible. Thanks again!

- Josh Sigurdson
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World Alternative Media

Hi everyone! First of all, thank you all so much for the support! It means a lot. I will be posti...

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  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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