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Vincent Prince's Library
Vincent Prince's Library
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Vincent Prince's Library
Public post
Nearly a full year after "The Reality Magus", "The New Igbo Folktales" has finally been released. Sorry it took so long, I hope you will all find it worth the wait.

With all that out of the way, I'm going to be focusing on another anthology of short stories, starting with "A Boy and His Mother (of Darkness)". Stay tuned.
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Vincent Prince's Library
Public post
At last, "The Reality Magus" has finally been released on e-shelves. It took far too long in my opinion, but it's finally out, and I hope it was worth the wait.

More e-books will be coming in the future, so stay tuned. The next one will be called "The New Igbo Folktales", so watch out for that one.
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