The Essentially Bolshevik Nature of Our Current System of Politics
People speak with great freedom today through social media and many talented creators express their voice with an increasingly complex and sophisticated array of technical tools but the fact is, few of these people are actually heard. The tools are there, the avenues are there and the willingness to contribute is there but many of the avenues are blocked, either openly or shadow blocked in a way that hides the speaker’s voice from any potential audience.
How could this be except if the political system was corrupt? Well, in fact the political system in western societies — particularly English speaking western societies is corrupt. Not just a little bit — not just through handing out a bit of bribe money now and then but deeply horribly corrupt right down to the core. Many people acknowledge this but continue along blithely with their ordinary lives just accepting the rotten deal handed out to them, like the proverbial frog in the cooking pot.
You might think this was acceptable if you had no children and felt you were alone in the world without family or friends. Yes, make a martyr of yourself and let the system walk all over you. But no! You are not alone. The fact is, you are either a part of life or a part of death and the mere fact of having no children does not put you into the latter camp.
Supporting the current corrupt ‘uniparty’ political system either through action or through ready compliance, is an act of barbarism that places you squarely in the camp of death because that system of politics is actually very close to the gross and appalling evil of Bolshevik Communism.
Why do I say that? How can ostensibly right wing parties like the Liberal Party in Australia, the Tory Party in Britain and the Republican Party in the USA be Bolsheviks? Certainly the ostensibly left wing ones like the Democrats in the USA are Bolshevik as well but the point is that this whole right wing left wing thing in modern Western style political systems is a sham. The major parties really are all just as bad as each other. Look to it little frog because before you know it they will be chomping away on your leg.
Until I read Robin Bruce Lockhart’s astonishing book, ‘Reilly Ace of Spies’, and became interested in Russian history and culture, I had little idea about how terrible Bolshevism was or even what the word meant. It was just some obscure Russian word that indicated some sort of extremist communism but the truth is in fact far more interesting and pertinent to our modern day life.
The term came about because of Vladimir Lenin’s involvement in the Russian Communist Party and because of his extreme and negative beliefs about political action and the rights of people.
According to Wikipedia, Vladimir as a child was inclined to enjoy bossing his younger sister Olga around and could be quite destructive around the house. Later, as a key member of the Russian communist party RSDLP, he advocated that ordinary party members should not be allowed to express themselves independent of the leadership. In other words, while driving people to fight a bloody, terrible war that was supposedly for the liberation of the people, he did not believe in allowing the people a voice, which made him not only a bloody mass murderer but a hypocrite as well.
In this he was opposed by Martov, who advocated the opposite, that party members should be allowed to express themselves. The majority of these revolutionaries supported Lenin and the name Bolshevik was coined because it meant the majority. Martov’s group were called Menshiviks because they were in the minority and that name meant the minority.
The above draws on material in my book ‘A Return to Empire’, written under the pen name Martel the Hammer, if your appetite has been whetted on this subject.
So much for the majority vote or opinion being of any worth. So often the majority rules, not because of reason or justice or fairness but because hidden power mongers rule the roost unfairly and unjustly.
So, do you think it’s any different now? Think on how many millions were compelled against any accepted charter or standard of human rights to be jabbed with the dangerous and poorly tested Covid vaccine. Think of how many of them suffered injuries and or death from that vaccine. Think of how our food is adulterated completely unnecessarily with thousands of dangerous pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, seed oils, emulsifiers, flavourings, colourings, fillers and stabilisers. Think of how our education system has been subverted to create a subservient slave race. Think about how our grandparents could pay off a home in five years when many of us now will not pay off our homes in a lifetime. Think about how we never get to vote on whether or not our country goes to war.
I could raise many more issues but it seems just at this time to point out that this western political system was recently involved in trying to force Dutch farmers off their land to satisfy some sort of useless environmental protocol when the food they produce is amongst the best and least adulterated food in the world. Why would the (previous) Dutch government undermine such a meritorious industry? Is it possible that the Globalist Cabal decided the food was just too good and made producers in other countries look bad? When so much of the western farming has been taken over by the mega rich and by multi-national corporations and its practises are GMO and chemical heavy, maybe it is plausible that the Dutch farmers were a tempting target. It’s truly disgusting but thank god, the Dutch farmers did not just sit back and take it. They formed a new political party and against all odds won the election. Now they are in the process of taking power.
These challenges to good, productive, responsible people happen because our political systems are in fact run by uniparties that, like Vladimir Lenin, do not wish the individual to have a voice. In that respect and in many others, they are in fact Bolsheviks.
Even the individuals elected to represent you rarely get to have a voice in our political system. Most of the sitting members of these parties never say a word in parliament or ask a question unless it is approved by the party. I don’t know about other countries but in Australia we have parliamentary officers called ‘Whips’, whose job it is to keep the members in line and ensure that they perform as required. The very name is disrespectful to individuality.
According to Wikipedia:
A whip is an official of a political party whose task is to ensure party discipline in a legislature. This means ensuring that members of the party vote according to the party, rather than according to their own individual ideology or the will of their donors or constituents. Whips are the party's "enforcers". They try to ensure that their fellow political party legislators attend voting sessions and vote according to their party's official policy. Members who vote against party policy may "lose the whip", being effectively expelled from the party.
So, inarguably, given the policies political parties have pushed on the public in recent times and given the blatant disregard they have for individuality, free speech and personal honour and integrity, they are Bolshevik. Yes, our political system if not already Bolshevik was always ripe and ready for takeover by Bolshevik elements. Well, now it has been and you, my friend, are the frog in the pot just waiting to be served up on a platter or thrown out in the garbage as your political and industrial masters see fit. Please don’t let that happen. Your voice is important. Even if you do not have children or other family, you have brothers and sisters all around you. You are in fact a miracle of creation and together, our voices can create a genuinely free world, largely free of disease, starvation, pollution and degradation.
I recently read a great article by Joseph Mercola on the comedian Jimmy Dore, who had suffered terrible side effects from the Covid vaccine and found that Jimmy’s take on the uniparty system of politics was very much to the point. I’ve quoted just a little here:
“What’s happening is we’re run by psychopathic criminals and … people don’t realize that our government is not ‘regular’ corrupt ... But the corruption we’re now starting to see is far worse and more widespread than that. It’s been integrated into every part of the government, and every system used to run it.
“The whole thing is corrupt. The whole COVID policy was corrupt. The whole vaccine rollout 100 percent corrupt. Everything that happens in Congress happens because of grease from the oil of corruption. And if there isn’t corruption in there to grease the wheels, the mechanisms of government don’t run.
“That’s why we can send $100 billion to Ukraine because that’s $100 billion in corruption, while we don’t send $100 billion to the United States to end homelessness. $100 billion dollars could end homelessness three times in the United States, and they won’t send it to our own country because there’s nobody there to make a profit off it … Our legislators make a big profit off war.
“So, we have an endless death economy, and that’s all we can do. We will not invest in our own country. This is called an end of an empire. This is how all empires end, and we’re ending right now …”
Well, that’s Jimmy Dore’s take but even now, I’m not sure I’m being heard. Subscribe Star allows me on their platform but the figures aren’t good on that site. For a long time, Substack wouldn’t even let me create a publication. Every time I logged onto my page and tried to write, a red message came up saying that I had too many publications. I didn’t even have one. Funny huh?
From Substack:
(Edited) from Substack Trust and Safety here. I'm sorry to hear you're having difficulty. It looks like one of our platform safety mechanisms has temporarily blocked your ability to create a publication.
Since then, after a couple of months of emails and negotiations, they have made a page for me and things seem to be going okay. Let’s wait and see!
Btw, my book links:
Scfi Fantasy 12 Part series ‘The Dragon Wars’
In the Darkest Hour:
Dawn of the Shadow Circles:
Thor’s Bane:
At the Rising of the Star:
Dragon Lore:
Fire in the Sky:
Rise of the Luminari:
Valour in Arms:
Voyage of Dominion:
Centari Honour:
Stellar Regia:
The Little River Rebellion (six part scifi series)
The Profane Dominion:
Kill the Bull in Individual Identity
Kill the Bull in Social Identity
Kill the Bull in Religion and Politics:
Stealth Invasion. Vaccination: Mark of the Beast?
A Return to Empire: