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Joe's Tango Podcast
Joe's Tango Podcast
Podcast featuring engaging conversations with internationally acclaimed Argentine Tango dancers, instructors, musicians, DJs, and event organizers
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Joe's Tango Podcast
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Episode 187: I was reckless! - Simona Faro
Sometimes, it pays to be reckless!

My guest today is based in Albuquerque, NM - she's a renown teacher, dancer, DJ, organizer, and photographer. 

Let's meet Simona Faro...

More on Simona here:


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Joe's Tango Podcast
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Episode 186: Put your phone away and just dance! - Tatyana Kot

My guest today is a creative professional from outside the world of  Argentine Tango, and she offers some useful insights that can benefit tangueros of any level...

Let's meet Tatyana Kot...

More on Tatyana here:


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Joe's Tango Podcast
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Episode 183: Regaining momentum - Joe Powers
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Internationally renown harmonica virtuoso Joe Powers returns! He shares his thoughts on keeping things fresh, taking the plunge on embracing one's passion, and regaining momentum after a long period of rest...


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Joe's Tango Podcast
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Episode 180: Buenos Aires IS Tango - Silvia Askenazi
My guest today is originally from Buenos Aires, but is now based in San Pedro, California. She started dancing tango in 2004, and almost immediately fell in love with it! Soon after that, she found herself dedicating more and more of her time studying and sharing tango. 
In 2009, she opened her own studio where she teaches classes and hosts weekly milongas. On top of that, she organizes regular tango/sightseeing tours to Buenos Aires!
Let's meet Silvia Askenazi...

More on Silvia here:

Tango tours website:


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Joe's Tango Podcast
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Episode 179: Connecting with yourself, and a philosophy of life - Anita Flejter
Most tango dancers don't immediately define tango as a dance. Why is that? Listen on to find out!

My guest today is the cofounder and managing partner of Ultimate Tango, a tango academy based in Medford, MA. She's a teacher, blogger, and tango philosopher.

Let's meet Anita Flejter...

More on Anita here:


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Joe's Tango Podcast
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Episode 177: Remember to rest! - Fransley Marcel & Laura Murphy
Working hard and grinding through practice sessions will help your tango...until it doesn't! Listen on to find out why!

My guests today are internationally renown tango instructors and performers based in Buenos Aires. They teach at the famed Estudio Dinzel, which is the longest consistently running studio in the city.

They will be helping to organize the upcoming Festival Estudio Dinzel, which takes place from September 10 through the 12th, 2021. 

And special thanks to my friend Paul Beard for helping to connect me with today's guests!

More on Fransley and Laura here:


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