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Trial and Free periods

Tier forms have been updated with the additional fields of Trial and Free tier periods. The trial period is trivial, the second one requires an explanation.

The Free period extends the very first paid subscription period to a specified number of days (up to 365). Tier upgrade to a tier with a free access period extends paid subscription period to a number of days as if subscriber joined the new tier originally on the very first date of their subscription. Find details in the attached images.
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Updated Polls Functionality

Having in mind your requests, we delivered a home-brewed, freshly baked option of adding polls to the posts, effort-free.

Now you can:
  1. Add a poll to your posts without switching to Markup editing mode. No coding skills are required anymore!
  2. Set a date and a time after which the voting will be disabled. Now you can run your poll from the time you publish it until the manually set date and time.
  3. Choose to set your voting results to be calculated in Weight mode, based on the voter's tier price. Subscribers who paid more for the subscription may have a more "weighty" voice now.
  4. Create polls with multiple choices per voter. Now, instead of being limited by only one choice, the voter may express multiple opinions within one poll.

We will be adding more features and improve the user experience of this tool along the road. 
All comments and feature suggestions are welcome.

Yours truly,
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The new Perks section has been added to subscriber cards. You can provide:
  • discounts to the currently assigned tier
  • upgrade subscription tier for free
  • extend subscription period for free

A combination of provided perks can be utilized in many different ways. 
For example, you want to provide a newcomer with a free trial period:
  1. Create free tier (set price to zero)
  2. Let newcomer join the free tier
  3. Upgrade tier to a paid one using "Tier upgrade" perk
  4. Extend subscription period using "Extension" perk for any trial time period

If you have your own suggestions what perks you'd like to provide to your subscribers,  please email to our support.
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Follow Feature

Did you know that you can create a free tier for what many creators call "followers"? 
We call them "subscribers who don't pay" :)
Navigate to your Profile Page Settings and just add a new tier with the price set to 0.
  • When you post,  followers receive updates into their email inbox. 
  • They have access only to your public posts and prompted to pay for the rest
  • They can't send you a private message.
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Just released the basic tags functionality for posts. Will add better tags navigation soon.
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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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