StrangerThanFiction profile
Observing the world through Christian eyes, Bible prophecy and quietly saying to myself 'please stop the ride...I would like to get out, thank you'. I`m mostly exposing Babylonian symbolism, and Pop culture - (like many of you, with what I grew up the most)

Subscription Tiers

per month
Firm Handshake

All tiers can access the same exclusive content :) I will not limit your access to exclusive content just for the money, I want to share my videos with all of you, its up to you personally how much you want to support me. You will get early access to my newest videos/projects, also ability to watch and download stuff I`ve never posted on YouTube or shared online

2 subscribers
per month
Firmer Handshake

All tiers can access the same exclusive content :) I will not limit your access to exclusive content just for the money, I want to share my videos with all of you, its up to you personally how much you want to support me. You will get early access to my newest videos/projects, also ability to watch and download stuff I`ve never posted on YouTube or shared online

1 subscriber
per month
Thank You Friend!

All tiers can access the same exclusive content :) I will not limit your access to exclusive content just for the money, I want to share my videos with all of you, its up to you personally how much you want to support me. You will get early access to my newest videos/projects, also ability to watch and download stuff I`ve never posted on YouTube or shared online

0 subscribers
per month
Now Thats Dedication :D

All tiers can access the same exclusive content :) I will not limit your access to exclusive content just for the money, I want to share my videos with all of you, its up to you personally how much you want to support me. You will get early access to my newest videos/projects, also ability to watch and download stuff I`ve never posted on YouTube or shared online

0 subscribers
per month
Surprise Pikachu Tier

All tiers can access the same exclusive content :) I will not limit your access to exclusive content just for the money, I want to share my videos with all of you, its up to you personally how much you want to support me. You will get early access to my newest videos/projects, also ability to watch and download stuff I`ve never posted on YouTube or shared online

0 subscribers


  • Early access to my newest videos, also ability to watch exclusive content

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.


$17 of $1,100
per month
Hey, dont know if you have time to read all this but here we go :D My goal would be to get around this number monthly..will I get it? I don't know, depends on a lot of factors, whether you think my work is worth that much is on you, but then again war could break out in my country and I could be fleeing leaving everything behind me. But I can tell you for certain on what things that money would be spent, well the first one should be obvious, its what we all need - groceries, gas, and paying bills (Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God) cant get away from it, its the system we live in, secondly my child is growing (and he's growing FAST haha), he uses a lot of diapers and needs new clothing regularly, I don't know what his momma is feeding him :D also whatever is left will be spent on new PC equipment, either upgrading my PC to process videos faster, buying new ssd`s so I could store more projects (I'm running out of space quite frequently with those big file sizes), paying for hosting..and lastly, some money would be spent on new books (usually used ones, just saying new because it would be new to me) so I could study more about our world, the occult and history in general (always gotta have some real life archives, cant always count on technology to do your job). I don't know, hope you got something out of my ramblings, tried to be honest here, and wrote like I would write to a friend lol, don't know what else to say really, so thanks again whatever you do. Our greatest riches and rewards are in Heaven, let us never forget that! :) John 20:29 KJV ''Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.''

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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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