StalvindsForge profile
Blacksmith's Forge
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On looker

Discord link to keep up today with the shop, my streams, and video content.

A thank you letter written or digital at your discretion.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Water Bearer

Second tier subscriber with the same rewards as the previous tier. +Mjolnir Pendant (Inscribed or not is up to you)

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
per month

Third tier with all previous rewards, and request (within reason) one item to be made on a stream, I'll share what knowledge I know of the craft.

1 subscriber SubscribeStar $20.00 tier
per month
Shop buddy

Fourth tier all previous rewards, and Request one Knife to be made for you to the best of my ability and as you'd like it.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $50.00 tier
per month

Final tier all previous rewards, and you can come to the shop to get a couple pointers from me. (At my availability, and you own.)

Coming to the shop will be a weekend event so a couple days every few months.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $100.00 tier


  • Stalvind's Forge makes knives and other objects
  • Future projects will include arms and armour and tutorials
  • Help fund Stalvind's Forge and grow with it as it gets going

Public post
Hey all its been a while, time marches onward and so do we!  I got some funding set aside to get the shop an OBM 2x72 belt grinder!  Its closer than ever!
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  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.


to reach
the Goal
This the tool goals, like cupping tools, doming tools, and more hammering tools!
to reach
the Goal
A coal burning forge so we can do some larger projects!
to reach
the Goal
A 2' x72" inch belt grinder to start getting those better grinds and polish!
to reach
the Goal
To build a larger shop space! Thats right this goal is to make the shop bigger! With a bigger shop we can get bigger tools like a power hammer! And we can start teaching classes!
to reach
the Goal
A power hammer, feel the power! With this tool we can shave down alot time! It is pricy but we wouldn't need an upgrade with this!

Other stars


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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