Sacred Beast profile
Sacred Beast
Sacred Beast
I am the Sacred Beast, a novice writer with a focus on tabletop game development, comics writing, and perhaps more to come.
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You'll gain early access to new and exciting builds of TOTÉMA before they're released to everyone else. You also have my gratitude.

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You gain the same early access as Neophyte Battlers, but your name will also appear in a "Special Thanks" section of my work.

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We'll see what happens from here, but until then, you'll have to make do with my gratitude.

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Sacred Beast
Public post

Welcome back, one and all.

I've uploaded the core rules and the Talents list, all you need to set up and run a game. You can grab 'em from my site:

Bear in mind, TOTÉMA is not yet a complete game, and everything in the rules and Talent list is subject to future changes.

In the meantime, stay tuned for the bestiary, out sometime next week!

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Sacred Beast
Public post

I finally got around to creating a website for all your TOTÉMA needs. The link is:

I just need to put the finishing touches on the core rules and Talents list, and then I can upload the first release candidate sometime next week.

UPDATE: Fixed the link to my site.

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Sacred Beast
Public post

I've goofed off for far too long, and thus I make my first post of 2019.

The core rules and the Talents listing are nearly finished; I just need to make some changes to the grammar and tweak the base damage of all the Talents that deal damage. After that, I'm starting work on the creatures you may find yourself up against.

When I'm finally satisfied with how all three turn out, I'll release them to my subscribers.

I hope you'll stick around.

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Sacred Beast
Public post

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2019 brings happiness and success your way. There may, however, be a delay in my own plans for 2019.

My main workstation got hit with a power surge, and I will not have access to my computer until at least mid-February, when I can afford a replacement power supply. I'll be back in action after that, and you can look forward to Totemic goodness.

UPDATE (30 Dec): Disregard the above message. Turns out I was wrong about the power supply: all I really needed to do was to flip the switch to the "I" position again. Learn something new everyday, yes?

This will most likely be my last post of 2018 on this site. I'll see you in 2019, when I can really get started.

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Sacred Beast

Welcome, one and all to my page.

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Star Stats

5 posts


to reach
the Goal
This should be enough to cover development of a professional website for all your TOTEMA needs.
to reach
the Goal
This amount should cover part of my expenses.
to reach
the Goal
With this amount, I can set up an official play-testing team to refine, balance, and correct the game.
to reach
the Goal
This amount should be enough to allow me to hire an editor so that I can focus more on development.

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  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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