S2ubu Gaming profile
S2ubu Gaming
S2ubu Gaming
PS4 YouTuber. I make informative gaming and Let's play videos centering mainly on ARPG and RPG games with some Survival types thrown in too.Join Subscribe star and have a say on what content I produce, Gain Access to my Discord and join me in game
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You like games of all types especially easy to pick up and play but equally easy to put down and start another. That's not to say you don't enjoy your gaming, on the contrary, you like it a lot.

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Gaming Great

You enjoy gaming in all its glory and you are pretty good at it too...if you do say so yourself.

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You recognise good gaming videos when you see them and take an active interest in making them better

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Gaming Legend

You could have bought a game for this much, but instead you choose to support gaming content, that is why you are a legend and that is why we love you!

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