Reality Check w/ Ben Swann profile
Reality Check w/ Ben Swann
Reality Check w/ Ben Swann
Together lets continue to build our powerful independent news series Reality Check with Ben Swann.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Level 2

Exclusive live chats with Ben right here on SubscribeStar

Plus all previous rewards

0 subscribers
per month
Level 3

Exclusive "Liberty is Rising" T-Shirt Plus all previous rewards

0 subscribers
per month
Level 4

An autographed Reality Check coffee mug Bonus Video: One More Thought - Ben will provide an unfiltered additional video each month reviewing Reality Check subject matter at a deeper level and will open up about how media spins the story. Plus all previous rewards

0 subscribers
per month
Level 5

Connect with Ben and other Reality Check Select members across the world to discuss politics, current events, business, foreign policy, and life with a monthly 30 minute group Google video Hangout. This is a small group hangout with 10 to 20 Select Members per chat.
Plus all previous rewards

0 subscribers
per month
Level 6

Connect with Ben and other Reality Check Select members across the world to discuss politics, current events, business, life, and more with a monthly 30 minute group Google video Hangout. This is a small group hangout capped at 15 Select Members. Plus all previous rewards

0 subscribers
per month
Level 7

Connect with Ben and other Reality Check Select members across the world to discuss politics, current events, business, life, and more via a monthly 30 minute group Google video Hangout. This is a smaller, more intimate group, with 5 to 10 Select Members. Plus all previous rewards (except Level 6)

0 subscribers
per month
Level 8

Connect with Ben and other Reality Check Select members across the world to discuss politics, current events, business, life, and more via a monthly 30 minute group Google video Hangout. This the smallest, most personal group, with 1 to 5 Select Members per chat.
Plus all previous rewards (except Level 6 and 7 hangouts)

0 subscribers


  • Join the Reality Check Select community with access to our SubscribeStar feed
  • where you can share your ideas and thoughts with other Select Members as well as Ben himself
  • Monthly LIVE Ask Me Anything: Facebook/Instagram livestream with Ben answering questions from Reality Check Select members only.

Star Stats

0 posts


to reach
the Goal
In addition to continuing our Reality Check series, we will relaunch Truth in Media as an aggregate source for independent media as well as creating original content.
to reach
the Goal
Our goal is to make Reality Check with Ben Swann completely viewer supported. This will allow us to keep our studio and production staff turning out at least two new Reality Check episodes each week
to reach
the Goal
In addition to our other two goals, we will launch a full nightly newscast from Atlanta to rival cable style newscasts. We will be the newscast of record for free-thinkers.

Other stars

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