Books for Blacksmiths 

If there was one book that I would say had a big impact on my thinking, both in the smithy and out, it would be the Ashley Book of Knots.

In short, people have forgotten just how useful rope is, and how little time has passed since rope was the only option even for something as simple as tying a parcel shut so you could mail it.  Today, we take things like glue and ratchet straps for granted, but they are rather new.

For the blacksmith and general hobbyist, the Ashley Book of Knots opens up new pathways in your thinking, helping you understand the world around you in a way that's hard to explain.  As the author shows, a few ropes and pulleys are enough to turn over entire ships for their regular maintenance.  Imagine how you can use that knowledge around your own homestead?

Need to carry a loaded bucket up the stairs?  Why not just pull it up from the balcony above?  Want to lash your canoe securely onto the roof of your car so you can enjoy a day on the river?  Or maybe you want to add some decoration to a tool handle so it doesn't "grow legs" when you do a demonstration?  All of that, and more, is in the Ashley Book of Knots.

The Ashley Book of Knots is considered the Grand Tome of rope work, and for good reason.  While it's a how-to book, it was written in the days following what is known as the Golden Age of Sail when wind-power was the only power for crossing the Seven Seas.  Clifford Ashley, the author, filled with his book with lots of stories and wonderful illustrations that help bring that world to life.  It's a work of art, to be honest.

Every week I have to lash steel down in the bed of my truck, and I use rope to do it because it's faster and easier than ratchet straps.  When I have to lift something heavy, it's easy because I have block-and-tackle to help.  When I have to move heavy equipment, instead of waiting on friends to volunteer, I can simply break out the rope and get the job done quickly and safely.  Plus, as a blacksmith, my ironwork looks great when paired with natural-fiber rope!

I highly recommend everyone own a copy of the Ashley Book of Knots.