February 2024 Production Update


Hello, friends. I hope you're well.

The Chad tier of my crowdfunding model has been modified to exclude Early Access to uploads. This was done to be in line with updates to Microsoft's Game Content Usage rules regarding crowdfunding.

My public upload for this month is another short Arby 'n' the Chief episode called Chief Takes Off HIs Helmet: The Movie. In case you needed warning: it's stupid; and I hope you like it.

What I spent more time on this month was finalizing a shooting script of the first episode of my new Hard Justice series-- a Halo: Reach machinima about cops and aliens-- which, as of the time of this writing, I've finished.

Once it's fed through a screenwriting application I imagine the screenplay will be around eighty pages. An outline for an entire season was written and re-written over and over across a number of years, then every scene in the screenplay re-written several times. I've already started building in-game characters and sets, and in the following week, will break down the script and begin shooting as well as a process for potential voice actors to send submissions to me via e-mail in the form of audio files. I will make sides from the script available for download on my website for those auditioning to perform. I will announce on X when the process has started. I look forward to production, listening to auditions and getting this show started so you can finally see what I've been cooking for so long. I'm very happy with the script and hope people enjoy the story and appreciate its message. I'm aiming to release the full episode by the end of next month, but it may not come out until April. If I can't get it out in March I should at least have another short something lined up.

Thank you very much to my paying subscribers for another month of generous support as well as everyone for your viewership and encouragement.