OrangeBlueHue profile
I create models for 3D printing -- RPG, War Games, & Tabletop Games.

Subscription Tiers

per month

This is for people who just want to throw a bone my way. This does not contain any rewards.

1 subscriber
per month

Be the first to help support me! You get all the same rewards as a Viking with a discount for believing in me.

Limited (0 out of 100) subscriptions
per month

Support my line of work and get some incredibly high quality 3D prints.

Each month you will get access to a bundle of OBJ files, access to polls, insider looks at what I'm working on and what I plan to make, as well as community access.

0 subscribers
per month

All the previous tier rewards plus every month you are shipped a model, or models (if applicable) of your choosing printed from my very own Form 3 resin printer, a top of line model that creates unparalleled detail.

• This tier requires a shipping address • Shipping and handling are free • The amount of models available per item may vary • Models will not be painted or pre-assembled • Forgoing a free print will not roll over into the next month, you are only limited to 1 product a month.

Limited (0 out of 25) subscriptions


  • Access to the OBJ files of the models
  • Voting options for the next model
  • Progress reports and live feeds
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