Nick Monroe profile
Nick Monroe
Nick Monroe
The guy who had the awesome Twitter threads. But also still writes articles from time to time. Setting this up as a backup plan just in case the censorship ray of death hits me harder than it already has.

Subscription Tiers

per month
"There Was An Attempt"

For those of you out there who just like participation.

3 subscribers
per month
The High-Five Tier

Can't resist making that pun

0 subscribers
per month
Double Down

Doing this option so people can pay more on a regular basis.

1 subscriber
per month
Digging Deeper

Ok you got my attention. You want me to give a serious look at something, this is decent bribe.

1 subscriber
per month
Personal Research

Me love you long time. I'll go out of my way to make sure to give SOMETHING more significant back in terms of analysis.

0 subscribers


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