MZguitar profile
MZguitar is an instructional guitar youtube channel that focuses on Metal and Shred guitar tutorials with TABS. The channel is run by brothers Mohamad and Ahmad Zahwi.

Subscription Tiers

per month
I can play powerchords really well!

-Support us to make more riff and solo lessons for metal and rock songs.

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per month
Bedroom Shredder

-Support MZguitar to make more frequent and better solo and riff lessons for metal and rock songs. - Access to Guitar Pro and PDF files for full (All guitars) solo and riff transcriptions on MZguitar. - Previews and updates for what is in currently in the works as far as transcription and what lessons are coming up. -Ask me any question and I will answer it in a 1-4 times a month (depending on the amount of questions) Q&A video. -Access to backing tracks for all the solo lessons that I do.

0 subscribers


  • Support me to make more riff Lessons and solo Lessons
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