Inquisitor Nero profile
Inquisitor Nero
Inquisitor Nero
is creating GrimDark miniature wargaming videos and tutorials
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Imperial Citizen

You are loyal to the Emperor, while dabbling on occasion in the heretical. But your loyalty as not gone unnoticed as the local Inquisitor gives you a nod as he passes by, but is swift to remind you of your "pile of shame" collecting dust.

  • You have my eternal thanks for helping support your local Inquisitor
  • Shout out in my latest video upon joining, in proper Grim Dark fashion
0 subscribers
per month

You are so loyal to the Emperor your efforts have landed you amongst the ranks of the fearsome Inquisition. You are probably not a Heretic, so much so that your local Inquisitor tips his hat as he passes by while speaking highly of you to other members of his Order.

  • Unlock all previous tier rewards
  • Your name at the end of every video produced after joining
  • Access to video content 72 hours prior to public release
  • Advanced access to Social Media Posts (where applicable)
0 subscribers
per month

Your loyalty to your local Inquisitor and his Order is without question. You are certainly NOT a Heretic, but a loyal companion and fine addition to your Inquisitor's retinue. A connoisseur of the Grim Dark with a knack for purging those found wanting.

  • Unlock all previous tier rewards
  • Your name will appear in the description of every video produced after joining
  • Community Polls / Feedback where you help decide the next project
  • A chance to win a 3D printed miniature (or miniatures) raffled off at the close of correlating projects (not a monthly event)
  • Exclusive behind the scenes video content and channel updates
0 subscribers


  • Access to content prior to release.
  • Community Polls to decide which projects I do next.
  • The occasional raffle of a miniature made by me.
Inquisitor Nero

Saving Inquisitor CoteazHello my wonderful supporters! A little update on the house front, all th...

Posted for $2, $5, $10 tiers
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Inquisitor Nero

+Channel Update 7. 24. 2024+Hello my beautiful supporters! I wanted to give you all an update as ...

Posted for $2, $5, $10 tiers
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Inquisitor Nero

+Looks like meat's back on the menu boys! +

Posted for $10 tier
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Inquisitor Nero

+Channel Update 6. 21. 2024+Hello my dearest Acolytes! The Disciples in our ranks may have notice...

Posted for $2, $5, $10 tiers
Unlock Tier
Inquisitor Nero

+ Update May 31st 2024 +Hello dearest supporters! You all are due for an update so here goes. I k...

Posted for $2, $5, $10 tiers
Unlock Tier
Inquisitor Nero

+ The Green Machine +Hello Disciples! So I have the armor Patreon tutorial filmed and I'm just cl...

Posted for $5, $10 tiers
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The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

69 posts


to reach
Worrying about hobby supplies, camera and editing equipment is now but a fading memory. One step closer to being able to "slay the grey" and wage war with miniature soldiers full time. No heretics among you loyal supporters! Nothing but love from this Witch Hunter. Should we reach this I will try and organize some sort of giveaway. Let's see how we do acolytes!
to reach
Dreams do come true with faith in the Emperor and loyal acolytes such as yourselves! You have giving me the ability to turn the thing I love in a career. This deserves a special celebration for achieving this milestone. Let's make it happen. ONWARD TO GLORY!

Other stars

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