Hermitix Podcast profile
Hermitix Podcast
Hermitix Podcast
Hermitix is creating podcasts.
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Subscription Tiers

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Supportive Hermit

You are making Hermitix possible, thank you.

You will have access to the weekly blog posts.

Meta will send you a personalised list of 10 book recommendations based off personal criteria

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per month
Turbo Hermit

You are making Hermitix possible, thank you.

All previous tier rewards

You will receive an eBook of the first 'Hermitix Interviews' volume (Stretch Goal 1)

An episode will be based on a theme chosen by you

0 subscribers
per month
Branded Hermit

You are making Hermitix possible, thank you.

All previous tier rewards

You will receive a paperback of the first 'Hermitix Interviews' volume (Stretch Goal 1)

Skype with Meta for 1 hour

Receive a Hermitix poster (Stretch Goal 1) (Once per 12 months)

1 subscriber


  • You are making Hermitix possible, thank you.
  • You will have access to the weekly blog posts.
  • Meta will send you a personalised list of 10 book recommendations based off personal criteria

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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