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Just finished a new video! Check it out if you have some time!

Technocracy: Transhumanism & Scientism 

Tonight, we are taking a look at three questions. 

1. What Is Technocracy?
2. What Is Transhumanism? 
3. How Is Scientism The Glue That Binds Them Together? 

We will also take a look at a few videos from the world economic forum

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New video: Going over some current events. However, the most important aspect is the WHO general assembly vote coming up this month. Essentially, giving up US Sovereignty to The World Health Org. 

Part One: US Govt Giving Up Sovereignty, Digital ID 
Part Two: Bill Gates GERM Project @ 7:16
Part Three: Everything Is Stupid – Cow Burps Are A Threat @ 9:55
Part Four: Shanghai Lockdowns & The Economic Global Realignment @ 10:40
Part Five: Food Shortage & Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste @ 14:21
Part Six: The Ministry Of Truth @ 15:30

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Tonight, we are continuing on with our little series on secret societies & we are taking a look at the skull n bones society. 

It may be easy for some to dismiss this group as mere college kids, who are looking for some mischievous fun, thrill seeking, or fraternity, however, it may be a good idea to ask a few questions. 

The reason being, if you look deeper, it's easy to see how a small group of students at one of the world's most prestigious universities could evolve into a powerful collective of influential policymakers. 

Senators, statesmen, athletes, bankers, captains of industry... The Skull and Bones are seemingly everywhere & wield power across the globe. https://youtu.be/hw-WYz5HEpo
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New Video...

The Great Reset: Welcome To 2030 “I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy, And Life Has Never Been Better”

So, tonight we are taking a trip back to 2016 to see what exactly they have planned for 2030. 



Part One: Welcome To 2030 @ 2:36

Part Two: Beyond Privacy & Property @ 7:00

Part Three: Fabricating social consent @ 12:50

Part Four: Who will rule this new world? @ 14:50

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Let's take a quick look at The Committee Of 300 - Have a new video coming out soon & another one tomorrow! Stay tuned...
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Just finished a new video: If you are interested in the topics consider checking it out. https://youtu.be/xk1S0u_j2Nc

Recent documents indicate the CIA covered for child predators at the Agency but there is evidence that a dark force looms within our government & has for decades.

Let’s take a look at both past & present cases.

Part One: The Finders: A Cult Within The CIA

Part Two: Going Over The Recent Revelations - The CIA Covered For Predators At The Agency (skip to 21:40)
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