Genfic profile
Creating a one-stop-shop for all things written fiction.

Subscription Tiers

per month
  • "Supporter" role on the Discord server
  • Access to supporter-only channel on Discord
  • My eternal gratitude
0 subscribers Supporter
per month
The Cooler Supporter
  • "The Cooler Supporter role" on the Discord server
  • "Supporter" role on Genfic
  • Ability to use animated avatars
0 subscribers The Cooler Supporter
per month
The Cooler Supporter + Adblock
  • "The Cooler Supporter role" on the Discord server
  • "Supporter" role on Genfic
  • Ability to use animated avatars
  • No ads!
0 subscribers The Cooler Supporter
per month
The Coolest Supporter
  • "The Coolest Supporter role" on the Discord server
  • "Supporter" role on Genfic
  • Ability to use animated avatars
  • No ads
0 subscribers The Coolest Supporter!


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

0 posts


$0.00 of $5
per month
Genfic's servers now fund themselves!
$0.00 of $20
per month
Database is now managed, for maximum reliability, security, and speed
$0.00 of $35
per month
With quadruple the RAM and twice the CPU cores, Genfic can run much faster!
$0.00 of $120
per month
Dedicated CPU for the server, and 8 times the power for the database. This will surely be enough!
$0.00 of $1,000
per month
If this goal is ever hit, I'll be able to work on Genfic fulltime!

Other stars

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