Fortkavanagh profile
I'm Fortkavanagh and I am creating youtube shows about what's being overlooked by accident

Subscription Tiers

per month
Tier 1: Supporter

As a Subscriber you will get access to my videos one day early. And my utmost appreciation!

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per month
Tier 2: Supporter

Previous rewards. You get twice the amount of prestige. Access to the subscribestar news feed where I discuss content and regularly chat with members of my inner circle.

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per month
Tier 3: Supporter

Previous rewards. You get thrice the amount of prestige. And a shout out to my greatest contributor.

0 subscribers
per month
Tier 4: Supporter

Previous rewards. You get four times the amount of prestige. A shout out to my greatest contributor. And an episode based on your request that is based on anything in the enterntainment industry (just as long it's not related to something I hate)... all n all this part is negotiable.

0 subscribers

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

1 post


to reach
the Goal
With this I'll be able to hire people who can help me out with editing & organizing audio and videos files for my youtube shows, help me out with making original artwork for my youtube shows, and keep things organized for my youtube shows too!
to reach
the Goal
Live sustainably while under the oppressive rule of my crazy Life & continuing to create videos, movie & animes & videogame reviews, videogame gameplay streems, and other Fortkavanagh content; ideally while also improving quality of output with better equipment, software, etc!
to reach
the Goal
With this amount I can "FINALLY" move out of my crazy mothers run-down-hand-me-down of a house of hers that's in the middle of nowhere in a rural county in california (LOL ;D), but for all out silliness let's be seriousness this will help me out beyond any doubt, without my mother constantly bugging & pestering me with all her nonsense and with a home of my own I'll have even more free time to create even more videos, movie & animes & videogame reviews, videogame-gameplay streams, and other Fortkavanagh content!
to reach
the Goal
Well this one is kind of boring for y'all but the equipment is important! I tried my very best to maintain and preserve my old equipment to the best of my abilities until it wears out from old age and have discovered I need some new stuff to make my shows to run smoothly. When we hit this goal we could make some major upgrades that would really help me out as well as pay for all the existing equipment that may or may not have been charged (SORRY EVERYONE!). New mics, better hosting, better filters, more modern computer hardware, and most importantly more modern day software to edit audio and videos files for my shows!

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