No judgment, not everyone can get into half a million in debt to get into the top 5% of household incomes a decade later. Hopefully, my information will bless your situation and you can move up in support tiers later
No judgment, not everyone can get into half a million in debt to get into the top 5% of household incomes a decade later. Hopefully, my information will bless your situation and you can move up in support tiers later
A gallon of gasoline is 2 trips to the hospital where I spend more time than with my family
The power of your love is equivalent to two C4 energy drinks that I require daily to triage laboring mothers and apply bimanual pressure to cause uterine contractions
I am feeling your love like how I felt the ashes from the burn pits in Afghanistan permeate my lungs back in 2012... oh God I hope I don't get lung cancer later
You have a simple medical question or funky mole you want me to look at (which will NOT constitute medical advice outside of the state of Ohio). Video requests will be more strongly considered at this level.
I will read an email to create a >= 10 minute response video with research and sources to support. The more medical/psychological/parenting-related it is, the better the video will be.
You want coaching on parenting, health, your supplements, diet, exercise, career path, or just proof-reading your personal statement to med school? Whatever it is, this tier buys you a weekly 10-minute call (as my schedule permits) on whatever you think would help you the most.