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Bassania Pokret is a leading internet source for historical documents, articles and pictures regarding the history and mythology of the Balkan region from Roman times up through the medieval and renaissance periods.
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Nekropola Žarkulja se nalazi u naselju Sajtovići, oko 6 km južno od Kalesije
Ancient megalithic stone blocks of Žarkulja in Sajtovići  6 km south of Kalesija,Bosnia
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Nekropola/Lapidarij Stari grad Bihać.,Bosnia 
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The real Trojans 

Frigijska (Brigijska) kapa na stećcima. Frigi ili Brigi (u značenju briježani, gorštaci) su jedno od tri glavna trojanska (ilirska) plemena u Trojanskom ratu. Na prikazu Trojanskog kola (gore) igrači drže trolisnu djetelinu (znak ilirskog boga Triglava) opisanu u Ilijadi kao simbol Trojanaca. Frigijska kapa je simbol slobode u svijetu npr. na Grbu Senata SAD-a iz poštovanja za otpor Ilira Grcima i Rimljanima.

Phrygian (Brygian) cap on stećci, aka Liberty cap. The Phrygi or Bryges (or Brigi, meaning highlanders in local languages) are one of three main Trojan (Illyrian) tribes in Trojan war. In the top depiction of Trojan dance, the players are holding a cloverleaf (the symbol of Illyrian god Threehead) - described in Iliad as a symbol of Trojans. Phrygian cap is a symbol of liberty worldwide, e.g. Seal of the US Senate, in homage of the Illyrian resistance against Greeks and Romans.

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Sila Nebeska 
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