Animated Dungeon Maps profile
Animated Dungeon Maps
Animated Dungeon Maps
I'm creating animated battle maps for D&D and other tabletop games
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Subscription Tiers

per month

You get:

  • Still images of maps in JPG format that you can use for online platforms

  • FULL HD animated maps in mp4 format (1920x1080px) with a 1inch square grid overlay (gridless version also included)

7 subscribers
per month

You get all of the Rare tier rewards and

  • Alternative versions of maps with different objects, lighting or ambiance

  • An exclusive map in the beginning of every month

0 subscribers
per month

You get all of the Legendary tier rewards and

  • Even more alternative versions of maps with different objects, lighting or ambiance

  • Additional exclusive map in the beginning of every month

  • Additional epic map once a month - impress your players!

0 subscribers
per month

You get all of the Divine tier rewards and

  • Winter versions of maps, where possible
1 subscriber
per month

You get all of the Frozen tier rewards and

  • 4k versions of all the maps
1 subscriber


  • Here you can find maps of dungeons and caverns, forests and lava lands, town streets and interiors, and other locations that inspire me!
  • I release 3-4 highly detailed maps each month, Legendary tier also gets alternative versions and Divine tier gets additional epic map each month.
  • The easiest way to use these maps is to lay flat your TV on top of a low table - 40” TV would be the perfect fit for the gridded versions of my maps

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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