Aescape VR profile
Aescape VR
Aescape VR
Support the Aescape developers. We will exchange your money for coffee and turn that coffee into amazing code via the magical powers of digital necromancy! Find out more on our Discord server at:
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Cup of Coffee

Our developers run purely on caffeine and sugar. One cup of coffee will power a developer for at least an hour. All subscribers will get early access to the test version of the game.

0 subscribers
per month

Help us pay for hardware/software/assets/any other gear we need to get this game completed. Early access to the game, plus 100CP per created character.

0 subscribers
per month

The more people we can hire on the team, the faster we can get Aescape made! All of the above rewards, plus an Aescape steambot plushie when we go live!

0 subscribers
per month
Server fees

Our biggest ongoing cost will be running servers each month. Help keep the game up and running by contributing towards servers. All of the above, plus request in-game immortalisation in return for your support - a street name, statue or NPC (you can pick)!

0 subscribers


  • Support the development of Aescape VR.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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