DXLogan profile
I am an author and table-top roleplaying game designer whose primary area of focus is fantasy and science fiction. I've dabbled in horror and machinima, among other things.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Shout Out

Everyone who pledges any amount will be mentioned on a special page of my website. I'll extend a public thank you on my social media. This shout out will be seen by anyone following me to proudly announce your support.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Link to your Project

I will include a link to your project you'd like to shout out alongside your name on the patron page and social media shout out. No project should be NSFW due to my varied audience age. If I'm unable to include it, you'll be offered the refunded your pledge. If you have no wish to shout out a project and only wish to donate at this level, that is fine as well. This tier is included in all higher tiers.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
per month
Author Livestream

You will be sent a link to a short livestream each month. This is the chance to ask me questions directly and interact. The stream will extend for 15 minutes at minimum. This tier is included in all higher tiers.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $15.00 tier
per month
Dedication Page Inclusion

Any book I publish while you are supporting me will include a section thanking you. This means any self-published book will have a dedicated page. In any traditionally published book, it will appear on the dedication page. This tier is included in all higher tiers.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $20.00 tier
per month
Personalized Card

In recognition of your dedication to supporting my work, I will send you a custom 'thank you' card. These cards were specifically designed for me by a talented artist. They're the same unique cards I use for thanking agents and editors. I'll need an address before I can send the card. This tier is included in all higher tiers.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $25.00 tier
per month
You're a Beta Reader Now!

Beta readers are vital to the development of a strong novel. They catch things the author might have missed and ask questions we never thought to. For your generous contribution, you're guaranteed a place among my beta readers. You will have a hand in refining the work that eventually sees publication. Please be aware that beta reading is different from reading for pleasure. It's about finding weaknesses and strengths in the writing and helping point them out. These are not finished works and are not to be shared. This tier is included in all higher tiers.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $30.00 tier
per month
Signed Copies

You are truly dedicated to ensuring I can focus on my writing full-time. Because of this, you'll be sent the signed book of your choice from my physically published works. Not just a signature, I will include a personal note. If you continue to maintain this level, a signed copy of each new book will be sent to you as they are published.

0 subscribers SubscribeStar $40.00 tier


  • The chance to participate in a monthly private live chat.
  • A seat 'at the table' as one of my beta readers.
  • Personalized items sent via mail such as a thank-you card or signed books.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.


to reach
the Goal
The seal is broken! That means the journey to sustainable writing without the up and down income that can be royalties has begun. Over the course of a year, this monthly payment is enough to ensure my blog and website are fully paid.
to reach
the Goal
Some software, such as Scrivener only has a one time fee. Others such as Prowritingaid have monthly fees. Meeting this goal allows me to regularly cover these sustained fees and reduce the time it takes to edit a finished work.
to reach
the Goal
Some of my projects need artwork. This might be cover art or side art relating to projects like my RPG designs. While I do enjoy doing the art, paying others to do so means my writing projects won't get sidetracked. Don't worry though, I'll still do some artwork of my own.
to reach
the Goal
I do most of my editing on the computer right now. With increased funds, I can afford to print out physical copies more regularly. It might not seem like a big deal, but it means I can print draft copies earlier in the process and catch more of the mistakes right away. I don't plan to go overboard since I'm rather fond of retaining forests. That said, it does take a lot of ink and paper to do such edits.
to reach
the Goal
Farewell car insurance. What does that have to do with my writing and other creative works? I spend around 8 hours of my day job each month to cover this. With it gone, those are hours I no longer have to spend away from the keyboard.
to reach
the Goal
With insurance now out of the way, it's time to turn to the car. Around 19 hours of every month are being worked to pay on it. This is where the day job hours start melting away. For those keeping track, that will be about 27 hours each month turned from a day job over to my writing.
to reach
the Goal
The starving artist phase will end at this point. It will be replaced with an amazing group of fans who share a passion for what I'm creating. If we reach this goal, I won't have to worry about how I am getting food on the table for my family. With the 27 hours already gone, this will bring it up to almost 67 hours no longer given over to my day job. Since I work around 58 hours a week on average, that's a quarter of each month turned towards my writing entirely.
to reach
the Goal
This will cover hosue payment each month. My day job can move to part-time with half of the hours I worked at the start no longer needed. I can focus intensely on my writing and creative productivity, thanks to you! Without the fear of where the funds for food, transportation or shelter will come from, I can really dig into my work with intensity.
to reach
the Goal
All of the basic things life requires for a family of four are able to be handled at this level. It isn't going to see me going out to eat or doing a lot of anything fancy. I am fine with that. On reaching this goal, I can work on my writing and art without worrying about meeting my basic needs. No more day job. If I want more than the basics, I'll just have to make sure to write amazing things for all of you! If we are here, thank you so much! I'll have to do something really amazing for you in return.

Other stars


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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