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The American History Podcast
The American History Podcast
Bonus episodes of the American History Podcast.
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F-14 Tomcast

You are like the F-14 Tomcat. This was the US Navy's primary air-superiority fighter jet for several decades, a workhorse that helped the US win the Cold War in the late 1980s.

Rewards: Shoutout on the free show. Access to transcripts Access to the current bonus series (1983: The Year the World Almost Ended) Access to the bibliography of sources Once a year You will have access to a bonus episode available only to this tier of subscriber. Vote for the topic of the next Patreon only season.

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Iowa Class Battleship

You are fantastic and without you, this show would not be where it is at.

The Iowa class was the last "battleship" the US Navy commissioned, and the four ships of the class served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and finally were retired from the Navy in the aftermath of the first Gulf War. These ships were awesome, and several are now floating museums in different locations, with the USS Missouri in Pearl Harbor (next to the Arizona memorial).

Rewards: Shoutout on the free show. Access to transcripts Access to the current bonus series (1983: The Year the World Almost Ended) Access to the bibliography of sources Access to the bonus series "Quagmire in the Middle East: Four decades of American

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Nimitz Class Carrier

I can't thank you enough for this level of support. I have nothing left to give to you except a very big thank you. Anyone who joins at this level will have the chance to request a bonus episode. We can discuss the topic (I know a lot of history but as I tell the wife, I don't know everything!). These episodes can be done a couple of times a year.


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