The Chieftain profile
The Chieftain
The Chieftain
The Chieftain. Tank Historian!

Subscription Tiers

per month
S-4, Supply

Operations won't get far without the logisticians, those often unremarked chaps who rarely get the glory or the rewards. The efforts may not be dramatic (And neither are the tier rewards), but regular supply is essential. At this level, the primary reward is, frankly, the satisfaction of knowing that you helped contribute to the newly released video you just watched, and that it permits more of the same to look forward to in the future.

2 subscribers
per month
S6 Commo

"You may talk about us, but you can't talk without us".

-If you select this tier, you have my attention. In addition to the lower tier benefits, welcome to the Discord server: rapid, two-way communications has been established.

Note: This is done manually, so at the beginning of the month (when the charges are made), watch for the invite.

  • -You also get to know my schedule; at least, when I have it figured out. This will allow for physical meet-ups if I happen to be in your area.
3 subscribers
per month
10-Level Operator

All vehicle operations are founded on the basics of the crew doing what they need to keep a vehicle running. In US parlance, the -10 level. (Hence the operator's manual is referred to as the 'dash-10', named after its serial number). As a reward for their contributions, they also get a bit of fun.

-In addition to the lower tier benefit, this tier permits access to a monthly live-stream, a general chit-chat session. Questions answered to the best of 'at the time' ability. Time/Date will vary a bit per month to accommodate time zones

0 subscribers
per month
S-2, Intel

Intelligence drives and supports the operations process. At least, so it says in ADP 2-0, the US Army's manual on the subject.

-In addition to the lower tier benefits, you have reached the level of "Q&A Submission". These will be responded to with answers researched to the best of my ability ahead of recording a recurring Q&A Video.

0 subscribers
per month

Wow! You think my product is as valued as a subscription to a popular on-line video-streaming service! I'm honored. Logistics guys get the supplies, equipment and personnel to where they need to be, and at this level, you're contributing heavily to the travel budget to get to faraway places with unusual tanks like Bovington, Munster, Arsenalen, Cairns, etc.

I'm starting to run out of tier benefits, here.

  • Future merchandise available "at cost".

  • Online play, be it platoon battles in WoT, Co-Op in Steel Beasts, PBEM in Combat Mission, H2H in Wargame or Harpoon... If I have the game (or have any interest in it), you have my time.

1 subscriber
per month
S-3, Operations

Usually the ranking members of the S-Staff, these are the guys who develop the order and run the battle.

I have a very particular set of skills. I shall look for you. I shall find you. And I shall buy you a drink.

OK. Obviously, if you're at this tier, you don't need me to buy you a drink. But in addition to the lower tier benefits, the least I can do is find you and say thanks. Assuming you are somewhere near something I am to film, of course: You want your contribution to go to product!

0 subscribers
per month
Significant Emotional Event

ou will just have to imagine the look on my face if I discover that someone has gone to this level.

If there is a vehicle you want covered, I will do my damnedest to get to it. It's the least I can do

0 subscribers


  • Inside the Chieftain's Hatch, Switchology, Military history interviews
  • Now with better quality equipment!

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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