The Realist profile
The Realist
The Realist
I'm a philosopher and a practical realist. That means I use philosophy only insofar as it serves to advance the quality of my life, and my understanding of reality, and that which is true.
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Considering Making The Journey

This tier will get you unlimited Q&A privileges during my monthly, donator only live stream. No small thing. I hope you see that, and decide to help me make a difference in the world for the better. ;)

1 subscriber
per month
Standing at the base of the mountain :O

You'll get a monthly shout out, as all supporters do, and my sincere gratitude. You're helping me to spread knowledge, and an ability to see reality for what it is. You have my thanks :)

0 subscribers
per month
1/8 of the way ;)

This tier will allow you to get access to me via email, as well as my sincere gratitude for the support you're offering :)

0 subscribers
per month
A quarter of the way up :)

This tier will get you email access to myself, as well as the ability to propose possible topics to discuss on the show.

0 subscribers
per month
About half way up baby :P

At this level you will get ASAP replies via email to whatever issues you might wish to discuss, problems you wish insight on, or questions you'd like me to answer. In addition you will be able to propose topics to be discussed on the show, and even present issues you wish me to explore on my show. If it's an issue I feel will be helpful top listeners I'll explore it

0 subscribers
per month
Close to the summit :O

At this level you will get ASAP replies via email to whatever issues you might wish to discuss, problems you wish insight on, or questions you'd like me to answer. In addition you will be able to propose topics to be discussed on the show, and even present issues you wish me to explore on my show. If it's an issue I feel will be helpful top listeners I'll explore it

This tier will get also get you a once a months meeting with me to discuss whatever you like. Be is lessons in philosophy, or my input, counseling on whatever subject you wish to explore.

0 subscribers
per month
The tippy tippy top :D

The top of the highest mountain, but still earth bound. At this level you will get ASAP replies via email to whatever issues you might wish to discuss, problems you wish insight on, or questions you'd like me to answer. In addition you will be able to propose topics to be discussed on the show, and even present issues you wish me to explore on my show. If it's an issue I feel will be helpful top listeners I'll explore it

This tier will also get you twice a month video meetings with me on skype where we can discuss anything you want. Be it lessons in philosophy, or my input, counseling on a subject. you choose.

0 subscribers
per month
In Orbit Baby ;D

This Tier is for my most loyal fan. At this level you will get ASAP replies via email to whatever issues you might wish to discuss, problems you wish insight on, or questions you'd like me to answer. In addition you will be able to propose topics to be discussed on the show, and even present issues you wish me to explore on my show. If it's an issue I feel will be helpful top listeners I'll explore it

You'll also get 3 sessions a month with me to discuss whatever you like. They can be lessons in philosophy, or just to get a philosophers counseling or input on a subject.

0 subscribers


  • You will get access to me, as well as the pleasure of knowing that you're actually doing some real good, as oppossed to SJW pinheads who do harm in their pursuit to "feel" good.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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