Taryuji profile
Hi, I'm Taryuji. I'll create the monthly Manga and also do a youtube channel. Click here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKBjbYHb3Ui-J0InW6t3tKg
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Thanks for supporting me. Please switch to grade 1 tier before 1 July. You can get better rewards there. :D // This tier will be deleted on 1 July

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Grade 1
  • Full resolution + special drawing
  • Speed paint (monthly limited)
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Grade 2
  • Same as Grade 1
  • Get access of old rewards
SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
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  • PSD unmerge file (monthly limited)
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  • Same as Grade 3
  • PSD unmerge file of the previous month.
SubscribeStar $25.00 tier
per month

This tier nothing much more than you just want to support me! The rewards for this tier are you can access all of the monthly reward same as the highest tier and you get my heart.



  • I'll create my original manga for you all and I'll send you of my illustration every month. All of them is a cute work. XD #Sketch
  • www.instagram.com/taryuji
 Hi, I'm Taryuji. I'm a Shota illustrator. I love to draw cute work, which also includes cool work! All of my work will be Shota! I love to draw them in a cool and cute style in any concept something like fantasy, mechanic, half-human, or anything I am interested at that moment. ^ ^
        If you like shota, you can't miss my page!

How does this page work?
        You can check the tier and choose for supporting me. You can check the details in the plan's description. ^ ^ 
I will post the sketch for the illustration I'll do in each month around the 1st -2nd week of reach month. In the 3rd -4th week will post the finished version. :D 

Thank you for supporting me. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. ^ ^

Displaying posts with tag Preview.Reset Filter
Public post
   One of the things we did when we were children, reading manga on a sofa~
   What manga did you guys read when you were young? XD

Full resolution and Speed paint here :D

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[Preview] Twitter     
    Hi guys, this project just pop-up in my head to turn everything into shota. XD I start with Twitter or the primary social platform I use.
   If we have to give the job for the social platform once they are a human. I would like to give a post officer to Twitter. Because the main thing Twitter has been working on is connecting and sending messages between people. Twitter has censored messages but when we compare it to other platforms I have to accept that Twitter may be the lowest censored? So we can read some topics that are more hardcore, and more debated on Twitter.
    Anyway, I'm not sure you guys will feel like I feel about Twitter but I look at Twitter like a punk boy and he's a post office. So this's what I design him to be like ^ ^


Full-res and support to keep drawing here

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Public post
[Preview] WakeUp
The sketch for this pic is here:

  Did you guys even have to wake up because someone do something loud? Maybe they drop something or just walk with stomp the floor? Especially if your roommate is an inventor or likes to do DIY.
      Unfortunately or I should say it's lucky for Shin? He has a friend like that as his roommate. LOL His roommate always does something or craft something in his room and his friend is the type who sleep less. He always does DIY and that always wake Shin up. LOL
      Shin: Wah are you doing? The sound was so noisy.

And this's what happens next and get full res. XD
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[Preview]Christmas DN
    Hi guys, It's again. I joined the game's drawing event. Dragon nest' it's kinda an old game.  I also don't know why I still play it. It's already more than 15 years ago. LOL
    The concept of this work is Christmas. So then I just get to it
    I named this pic as "Open the Christmas gift"

Full-res is here :D
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Pocky day 
   First, I have another pic for today but I rolled Twitter and realized that today is a Pocky day! So, that pic I'll postpone that to other days and hurry to draw the Pocky day pic. HAHA
   Pocky day, I don't know the real meaning of this day, just celebrating with pocky should be enough. If you guys have knowledge about this day, you can comment below. HAHA

   Yo: Don't you want some pocky? It's a pocky day.
   Shin: No.
   Yo: Really?
   Shin: I said no and stop poking me with those pocky.

   Happy Pocky day guys ~

Get fullRes and Speedpaint here:
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[Preview] Happy Halloween 2022   

    Happy Halloween 2022 guys :D Trick or treat !!!
    This pic continues from the last year. Someone stole Shin's bandage and run away~ Yes, I guess we don't need to guess who's that thief because now that thief is here. XD
   Boo! the mummy woke up from the tomb and time o hunt the candy~
   Trick or Treat !!!

Full-Res is here :D
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Star Stats

7 subscribers
362 posts


$46 of $500
per month
I'll draw 15 pg per month. //1 EP per month.
$46 of $1,000
per month
I need to upgrade my hardware for more quality artwork.
$46 of $3,000
per month
If I can go at this point by your support, I'll create more project, more story and more excited for you all.

Other stars


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  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by contributing – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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