ShapourDashtpour profile
A crash course for music theory and guitar lessons

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Level 3

You know the values of these lessons and the effort it took because it would have cost you a lot more to take these lessons from a private teacher!



  • You will get the fundamental and simplified music theory and guitar lessons that are the result of more than two decades of experience of my teacher, Mr. Pakshir, in guitar education and instruction.
  • Behrooz Pakshir is the founder of Nirvan Guitar Instructors' Network (NGI), which is the first private academic guitar educational organization. With more than a decade of experience in guitar education and instruction, he introduced the Persian Rock and Heavy Metal style which is a unique blend of these two far away styles of music. His song writing and recording experience is the best guideline for serious guitar students who want to make their way through all the phases of learning the technique and theory along with the confidence of getting out on the stage, perform, and finally sitting down to record whatever they learn.
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