Savanah Hernandez profile
Savanah Hernandez
Savanah Hernandez
🇺🇸 Support page for one of the most banned journalists in the US

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A Celebration Of My Return To Twitter

A salute to my, not one, not two, but 3 Twitter accounts that were banned for breaking national news.

19 subscribers
per month
Sav Supporter

Thank you for helping me keep my message alive!

13 subscribers
per month
Sav Subscriber

Your donations will help me as I continue to cover the border crisis, big city crime waves and everything the mainstream media won't touch!

23 subscribers
per month
Straight Savage

Your donation will make it possible for me to travel to the events, rallies and protests that mainstream media reporters ignore.

3 subscribers
per month
Sav Savior

As a journalist who has been permanently banned from Twitter, your support goes toward the fight to get the truth out as independents like myself are silenced everyday.

2 subscribers
Savanah Hernandez
Hello friends and welcome to my Subscribestar! As a censored journalist It Is contributions like yours that help me to continue to make content. Welcome to my page. 

And for those of you who may not know me: 

My name is Savanah Hernandez and I am journalist who has been 3x banned from Twitter for reporting on national news. 

Here is my story and an example of how Big Tech is rewriting our modern day history.


  • Proceeds go toward keeping my show and on the ground reporting alive.
  • Access to direct messaging with me!
  • Exclusive access to the Rapid Fire research page (links to articles, videos and research for each show)
Savanah Hernandez

Good news my friends, I got a call from the Rumble team and the Rapid Fire show Is going to now m...

Comments (6)
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Savanah Hernandez

Looking Into heading to Boston, Denver or Chicago to check out the migrant crisis. Or potentially...

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Savanah Hernandez

TRAVEL UPDATE: Heading back to NYC to continue my reporting on the migrant crisis next week. Don'...

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Savanah Hernandez

Hello friends, new show later on this afternoon. Since I was on the ground last week I'm going to...

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Savanah Hernandez

Just got back from my trip to New York. The migrant crisis was absolute Insanity, just wanted to ...

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