Rufftuff Rabbit profile
Rufftuff Rabbit
Rufftuff Rabbit
An aspiring Artist and Animator that has many Projects to share with you all.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Tier 1 - Supporter
  • Tier 1 in my Discord, meaning access to WIP's and other progress channels.
  • Partake in Polls that allow a say in which projects to proceed with.
  • Early Access to comic pages and artworks. 2-3 Weeks before everyone else.
0 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
per month
Tier 2 - Partisan
  • All previous rewards
  • Tier 2 level on Discord, giving you access to more channels.
  • NSFW content unlocked at this tier. Shared ONLY in Discord .
  • 10% discount on any works ordered from me.
0 subscribers SubscribeStar $20.00 tier
per month
Tier 3 - Advocate
  • All previous Rewards
  • Tier 3 status on Discord.
  • Have your characters included in my comics and works.
  • Art Livestreams where you're able to join a call for Q&A.
  • 25% discount on all works ordered from me.
0 subscribers SubscribeStar $50.00 tier


  • Subscribing gives access to WIP's of various content and works. Votes on the next livestream/video can be effected by subscribers, as well as my thanks for your support!
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