Howdy y'all!

It's been a minute since I've uploaded here.... I'm sorry for that but I've had so much going on between work and life that I just have not had the opportunity to truly focus on my social media presence while also developing the game.

Today I've got a full fledged uncut gameplay video that showcases part of a new level I've been working on. Keep in mind that this was a stress test and the hiccups you see are primarily caused by Niagara particles caching. This means the hiccups happen once when the particle initially loads, and then you don't have to worry about it. This will not be very common in the final product but the video does have some freezing since it doesn't cache the particles ahead of time like the actual game does.

Anyway, I'm super proud of the gains I've made in performance over the last week and I call this a smashing success! Also, ignore the popping of visibility on the enemies, that was an occlusion culling test that's since been reverted. Love TAD <3