The Untitled Update: 09/23


~~all "60 hour workweek" and no play makes Reciticus a dull boy~~

As you can probably guess, work has really been kicking my butt in August and September, but I can at least say that I've "broken ground" on TUP 2.5. A lot of this is due to August being audit season at my company, meaning theoretically I should free up in October but I know better than to set any reasonable expectations.

All that venting aside, Doug Walker Collab III came out and was a modest success, and I'm happy to say that TRXN's final Scooby-Doo collab has once again found its footing and should come out before the year ends. Again, this hopefully should tide people over for a while, although I'm considering making another quick YTP to prevent my channel from going stale. More on that to come.